Online Trading Academy Dc Course Schedule

Então você precisa para funcionar como um próximo Arnold Schwarzenegger Ou simplesmente você certamente é um Lenda Murray-quer ser Bem, alguém fantástico pessoalmente Assim insetos a variável. Para obter a forma de musculação ideal, você precisa manter um grande número de musculação saúde Kors dicas na neural. Como o MK 8153 em comparação é o vinho branco. O bisel em metal inoxidável envolve um interruptor opalino branco com mãos ou pernas luminosas. A pulseira de borracha de silicone branco termina o por ser deste voguish prata 038 olhar claro apenas completamente. Há muitos cronógrafos que estão disponíveis para os homens 038 menina. O MK8107 é da gama men8217s. Este relógio é realmente elegante, com um mostrador preto 038 pulseira de borracha preta, o mostrador tem indicadores que alternam com números fazendo para cada limpo 038 inquéritos investigar. Na mão oposta, outros relógios podem caracterizar mergulho, natação, ciclismo ou mecânica de corrida para Distância, profundidade, tempo e registros. Componentes perfeitos para esse ávido competidor de esportes e aventureiro à procura das emoções últimas do mundo inteiro em torno dele ou dela. Os atletas precisam de algo utilitário e prático. Relógios Citizen usar a tecnologia muitas dessas coisas, juntamente com muitos até mesmo recarregar a luz solar assim como as baterias nunca executar relógios kors em venda lançado. Starched, big-sized camisas brancas tendem neste verão 2013. Victoria Beckham certamente olhar chic andando a rampa Para produzir uma declaração de moda em uma camisa branca de grandes dimensões. O vestido da camisa, particularmente com os colares que estalam para fora, olharia bom. Só duas semanas mais negociando durante e mercado conservado em estoque continua sempre mantêm seus investors do jardim na borda - o mercado real fechará mais altamente para a estação ou indubitàvelmente A média industrial de Dow Jones abre Esta manhã em 11.868. O world8217s o índice o mais extensamente seguido do mercado de moeda corrente começou o ano em 11.557. E sim, I8217m apostas 2011 vai espremer por como ganhou ano para ações. Técnica 038 Workshop Combo em Dança Persa 25 de fevereiro de 2017 2:30 4:30 pm Halanda Estúdio: 1060 Lincoln Ave. San Jose CA 95125 Ao aprender uma bela combinação, vamos nos concentrar na técnica de dança persa, explorando: 8211 A elegante bodyline que reflete a estética rica e refinada da cultura persa 8211 Transições suaves e orgânicas dentro de padrões de movimento, e outros elementos integrantes de danceli persa 8211 A personificação de nuances dinâmicas na música persa Esta oficina é ideal para dançarinos que desejam fortalecer sua musicalidade e expressão dinâmica dentro dos parâmetros da técnica de dança persa Shahrzad Khorsandi nasceu e cresceu no Irã e se mudou para a Área da Baía em 1980. Ela estudou Dança e arte do desempenho no instituto de Califórnia das artes, tem um BA na dança, e um MA em artes creativas da universidade de estado de San Francisco. Ela é especializada em clássico 038 contemporâneo persa ballet. Seu treinamento de dança também inclui Modern, Jazz, Ballet, Africano Ocidental, Afro-haitiano, entre várias outras danças mundiais. Custo: 45 até Feb 11. 55 depois de 11 de fevereiro Por favor, envie o pagamento via PayPal para paytohalanda Shahrzad8217s Workshop Tour Dança Persa Fim Intensivo 21 de janeiro de 8211 22, 2017 Sábado em Boulder: Localização: Um lugar para B Studio 1750 30th St. Suite 6 Course Outline : 11h-13h Técnica de Dança Persa 2-4pm Assembléia do Movimento 038 Festa de Domingo em Denver Local: Gravity Dance Collective 157 KalamathSt. Esboço do Curso: 11h-13h Técnica Avançada de Dança Persa 2-4pm Assembléia do Movimento 038 StagingFee Informação e Registro: Eventbrite: bit. lydancepersianMiddle East Music 038 Campo de Dança em Mendocino CA 9 de julho de 2016 Shahrzad ensinará uma dança completa durante a semana no acampamento . Dançarinos têm a oportunidade de realizar a dança na noite de sexta-feira. Mais informações 038 inscrição:. Fundamentos abrangentes no grupo de dança persa intensivo 21 de julho de 8211 25, 2016 Esta imersão de 5 dias resulta na oportunidade de testar um certificado em Shahrzad Técnica Para se registrar, contate: Tamalyn Dallal via Facebook Oficina em Washington DC 30 de julho de 2016 1:30 3:30 pm Uma oficina de duas horas em dança persa, aberta a todos os níveis. Nós preenchemos explorar a beleza rica e graciosa da dança persa clássica e sua variedade de sabores. Mais informações 038 inscrição:. Facebookevents1199730906717219 Workshop 038 em Estocolmo, Suécia Workshop 038 Desempenho em Madri, Espanha Workshop de fim de semana em Madrid 21 a 22 de maio Imersão de cinco dias na dança persa Fundamentos abrangentes da técnica de Shahrzad 8211 Um treinamento intensivo para dançarinos avançados Local: Alcala, Espaço limitado Para mais informações 038 inscrição: infodancepersian. org Workshop em Bristol, Inglaterra Workshop 038 desempenho na Eslovênia (Ljubljana 038 Maribor) Classes atuais Shahrzad Dance Company classes (aberto ao público) IntAdv. Segunda-feira 10 11:15 am Primavera Fall Estúdio: 2547 8th St. (entre Dwight amp Parker) Berkeley, CA Taxas 16drop-in ou 846-semanas. Visite este evento em nossa página do Facebook. Adquira seu Cartão de Dança para as aulas de Berkeley Shahrzad Technique (Lafayette) TeenAdult (Iniciantes) no Domingo 2:30 3:30 pm 24 de janeiro 13 de março (sem aula 214) TeenAdult (IntermediateAdvanced) no domingo 2:30 4:00 pm Lafayette Dance 038 Movement Center, 1018-C Lane Almanor, Lafayette CA Taxas: 16drop-in ou 987-semanas Compre seu cartão de dança de 7 semanas para as aulas de Lafayette Private Lessons Estas aulas de 1-2 horas são personalizadas de acordo com os objetivos dos alunos e fundo. Alunos menores de 18 anos devem passar por uma entrevista antes de qualquer lição é oferecida. Taxa: 75hr Localização: Richmond, CA. Para mais informações entre em contato com Shahrzad no infodancepersian. org Classes on-line On-line aulas de dança persa ensinadas por Shahrzad estão disponíveis em: Shahrzad8217s Online Classes Livre de três dias de teste de seis semanas série com visualização ilimitada durante as 6 semanas Esta é uma Ótima maneira para estudantes de longa distância para ter aula. Treinamento Intensivo Torne-se certificado em Comprehensive Fundamentals of Shahrzad Persian Dance Technique. São oferecidos intensivos para dançarinos e educadores de dança e semi-privados (2 dançarinos). Esses intensivos são 5 dias de duração. A formação é segunda-feira sexta-feira 09:00 às 15:00, com o tempo permitido à noite para a lição de casa. Um exame escrito e um teste de desempenho serão dados no final da semana. Os intensivos podem ser espalhados por um longo período de tempo para os estudantes locais. O aluno receberá um certificado em Comprehensive Fundamentals of Shahrzad Persian Dance Technique após a conclusão bem sucedida do curso e passar os exames. Informações detalhadas, incluindo o plano do curso, taxas, acomodações e procedimento de inscrição estão disponíveis mediante solicitação. Certificado de Ensino Certificado de Ensino na Shahrzad Technique também está disponível após completar um workshop de 2 dias na formação de professores e passar os exames relevantes. Certificado em Fundamentos Abrangentes da Técnica de Dança Persa de Shahrzad deve ser recebido antes de começar a formação de professores. Informações detalhadas, incluindo o plano do curso, taxas, acomodações e procedimento de inscrição estão disponíveis mediante solicitação. Os aplicativos estão disponíveis agora e podem ser enviados por e-mail após o contato inicial. Se estiver interessado entre em contato com Shahrzad no infodancepersian. org para obter mais informações, incluindo um esboço detalhado do curso e taxas. Consulta Shahrzad também oferece consultoria on-line para dançarinos e educadores de dança. Para mais informações entre em contato com infodancepersian. org Workshop de Dança Persa (Denver) Todos os níveis de boas-vindas Introdução Shahrzad Técnica com base no formato que ela criou e apresentou em seu livro 15 de agosto de 2015 Horário: 1:00 pm 3:00 pm Workshop técnica Taxas 35 ( Até 31 de julho) ou 40 (a partir de agosto de 2001) Local: Gravity Dance Collective (157 Kalamath St. Denver, CO 80204) Visite este evento em nossa página do Facebook Workshop de dança persa (Boulder) Todos os níveis são bem-vindos Introduzindo a técnica Shahrzad com base no formato que ela criou E apresentada em seu livro 16 de agosto de 2015 Horário: 11:00 am 1:00 pm oficina de técnica Taxas 35 (por July31) ou 40 (de agosto1) Local: Coleção de dança de comunidade (2020B 21st St, Boulder, CO 80302) Evento em nossa página do Facebook Workshop de dança persa (Chicago) Todos os níveis são bem-vindos Assinatura e performance com música ao vivo no Cairo By Night Setembro Hafla Sábado, 12 de setembro de 2015 Workshop de dança persa em Arabesque Dance Studios Domingo, 13 de setembro de 2015 Evento em nossa página no Facebook Para registrar: store. arabesquechicagodispcwt Oficina de Dança Persa (Espanha) Workshop em Altea, Espanha em 10 de outubro amp 11 Até 31 de agosto de 2015MAIN STREET VEGAN ACADEMY Leve seu alcance vegan ao nível profissional, treinando para ser um MSVA - Certified Vegan Lifestyle treinador amp Educador (VLCE) Jante suavemente. Viver sabiamente. Faça a diferença . O que é um estilo de vida vegan coacheducator A Main Street Vegan Lifestyle treinador amp Educador é um vegan praticante que é certificada para treinar, aconselhar e educar indivíduos e grupos na adopção desta forma de promoção da saúde e compassivo de comer e estar no mundo. Como VLCE certificado pela Vegan, você estará qualificado para ajudar indivíduos e grupos a serem veganos, ficar veganos, sentir-se maravilhosos e fazer parte do maravilhoso efeito de onda que salvará vidas de pessoas e animais e ajudará a curar o planeta. Além disso, você aprenderá na Academia como montar uma prática Vegan Lifestyle Coaching, se vender, falar por grupos e aproveitar ao máximo as mídias sociais. Desde a nossa criação em 2012, percebemos que a certificação VLCE ea formação de negócios que fornecemos é relevante não só para aqueles que querem fazer um-em-um coaching, classes de grupo e de divulgação, mas vegan empresários de todas as faixas. Além de treinadores, conselheiros e educadores, nossos graduados incluem pessoas que estão executando empresas veganas, lojas e restaurantes, trabalhando para direitos proeminentes dos animais e organizações de promoção da saúde, escrevendo livros e usando sua credencial VLCE como parte de um pré - Profissão existente em saúde, nutrição, fitness, yoga, etc. Graduado Camille DeAngelis, VLCE. Camille também é um romancista publicado e autor de um novo título de não-ficção, Life Without Envy: Ego Management para Pessoas Criativas. O que vamos fazer durante o curso O nosso é um programa em pessoa na cidade de Nova York. É um curso intensivo de dois dias parciais e quatro dias completos, indo desde o início da manhã até a noite. Um ponto alto da experiência principal da escola Vegan Academy é sempre nossas excursões educacionais para um mercado de alimentos crus. Um mercado de especiarias indiano. Padaria vegana Loja de cosméticos vegan. Couro-livre sapateira. e mais. We8217ll almoçar juntos em um dia de viagem de campo em um restaurante clássico vegan NYC, um almoço adicional em Harlem8217s premier vegan alma restaurante de alimentos, outro em um restaurante com cozinha ayurvédica e um opcional pós-sessão graduação almoço em um dos city8217s renomado Candle Restaurantes, Candle Cafe West. Se um evento especial relacionado com os legumes e verduras estiver ocorrendo na cidade durante o seu curso, nós tentamos organizar para que nossos alunos sejam parte disso também. O nosso currículo básico é dividido em três partes: I. Princípios Veganos, incluindo: Fundamentos de nutrição vegan Nutrição baseada em plantas para mulheres grávidas, crianças, atletas, idosos Dieta na prevenção e reversão da doença História dos movimentos vegetarianos e vegan Fundamentos de animais Direitos e legislação animal Implicações ambientais da agricultura animal Uso e abuso de animais na moda e na beleza, e alternativas veganas Danielle Legg, VLCE, personal trainer e MSVA registrar, mostrado com um amigo no Skylands Sanctuary II. Princípios de Comunicação, incluindo: Fundamentos de coaching e aconselhamento para VLCEs Uma abordagem compassiva para questões de peso, comer emocional e vício em alimentos Alimentos como ativismo A arte da demo de alimentos Falar em público para educadores e ativistas veganos III. Princípios de negócios, incluindo: Redes sociais para Vegan Lifestyle Treinadores e Educadores Construindo sua marca e marketing para o sucesso Atração de clientes e desenvolvimento de negócios Encontrar e agir sobre autoria e oportunidades corporativas 8220 Este programa inspira empresários e sementes vegan negócios empreendimentos de todos os tipos. O currículo é sólido, a faculdade top-notch, ea experiência de imersão e apoio pós-graduação incomparável.8221 Jantar de boas-vindas, servidos por Beyond Sushi, NYC. Próximas datas do curso: Primavera de 2017: 31 de março a 5 de abril (2 espaços restantes) Mestrado somente para graduados em MSVA: 23 a 25 de junho de 2017 Verão de 2017: 28 de julho de 8211 2 de agosto Cair de 2017: 14 a 19 de novembro Primavera de 2018: -25 No início do verão de 2018: 22 a 27 de junho Mestrado somente para os graduados do MSVA: 24 a 26 de agosto de 2018 Início do outono de 2018: de 19 a 24 de outubro Fim do outono de 2018: 7 a 12 de dezembro MAIN STREET VEGAN ACADEMY MISSION STREET Main Street Vegan Academy Está empenhada em treinamento vegans comprometidos para ajudar os outros a adotar e manter um estilo de vida vegan positivo e saúde-promoção da dieta, voltada para as necessidades e preferências do indivíduo. Nós endossamos nenhuma iteração particular da dieta do vegan ou da ideologia dos direitos dos animais, confiando na consciência de nossos graduados viver acima a sua luz mais elevada em promover a ética do reverence para a vida. 8220Eu me sinto privilegiado por ter sido parte de um grupo tão incrível, cheio de amor e de um programa de treinamento vegano verdadeiramente extraordinário. Estes homens e mulheres de renome de todos os setores do movimento vegan incluem nosso conselho de conselheiros: Carol J. Adams, autor de Living Between Meateaters e The Sexual Politics of Meat Demetrius Bagley. Produtor, Vegucated: Três pessoas, Seis Semanas, Um Desafio Jonathan Balcombe, Ph. D, comportamento animal e autor Segunda Natureza e A Exultante Arca Gene Baur de Farm Sanctuary, autor Farm Sanctuary: , Cozinheiro de pastelaria classicamente treinado, autor, Vegan Chocolate Freya Dinshah, presidente e co-fundador, The American Vegan Society, autor do Vegan Cozinha JL Fields, VLCE, consultor e co-autor de Vegan para ela Leanne Mai-Hil Hilgart, fundador E designer, Vaute Couture, casacos vegan e moda John Pierre, autor, The Pillars of Health e treinador de fitness para Ellen Degeneres e Portia de Rossi Brian Wendel, criador e produtor executivo, Forks Over Facas Faculdade Core: You8217ll ser aprendendo de vegan habilidoso Educadores e especialistas. Os membros do corpo docente do núcleo ensinam em todas as sessões da Academia, exceto quando sua agenda os leva embora. Chrissy Benson, JD, VLCE, de MindBodySpiritGroove. Sobre técnicas de coaching e modalidades Chef Fran Costigan, notável padeiro vegan e autor de Vegan Chocolate FranCostigan. Com 8220A arte da comida Demo8221 Marty Davey, MS, RD, LDN, 8220La Diva Dietitian8221 (e um ator treinado para que suas aulas de nutrição são divertidas, bem como instrutivo), ensinando 8220Vegan Nutrição 1018221 e 8220Nutrition8217s Greatest Hits: Comer bem Througout a vida Cycle8221 Leanne Mai-ly Hilgart, fundadora e designer da Vaute. Vegan casacos de inverno e moda designer, moda vegan e vegan negócio JL Fields, VLCE, blogger. Um treinador de bem-estar corporativo, autor de Vegan Pressure Cooking e co-autor de Vegan for Her, na combinação de sua experiência de vida com seu treinamento em MSVA para criar um negócio vegan viável agora John Joseph, vocalista do Cro-Mags, um triatleta Ironman e Autor de Carne é para Pussies. Nosso orador convidado da celebridade que compartilha de sua experiência e transformação de vida de rebitar Joshua Katcher, professor de Parsons, desenhador para BraveGentleMan. Com uma apresentação deslumbrante sobre o uso animal na moda e suas alternativas Victoria Moran, HHC, AADP, VLCE, autor de The Good Karma Diet. Vegan principal da rua. A Dieta Ame-Psto. Sharon Nazarian, VLCE, blogueiro vegetariano baseado em Manhattan e co-fundador da BigCityVegan, e criador de uma Vida Charmed e diretor fundador da Academia Vegana Principal, ensinando Falar em Público, História do Movimento Vegetariano Vegetariano e Trabalhando com o Sobrepeso e / . Sobre redes sociais Robert Ostfeld, M. D. MSc. FACC, diretor, Cardiac Wellness Program. Professor de medicina clínica, Centro Médico de Montefiore, Bronx, NY Tatiana Forero Puerta, MA, RYT, HCC 8212 Consultor de bem-estar, instrutor de yoga, escritor e conferencista, filosofia de ensino e princípios de estilo de vida vegan coaching Martin Rowe, LanternBooks. c om. Educador ambiental e representante da organização ambiental vegan internacional, BrighterGreen. org Mariann Sullivan, JD, co-fundador da OurHenHouse. Org. Professor de direito animal em NYU, Colômbia, e escolas de lei de Cordozo O vegano Mos: Ethan Ciment, DPM, e Michael Suchman, JD, VLCE, alimento premiado vegan e bloggers do curso, autores do livro upcoming, Vegan de NYC: Christopher-Sebastian McJetters, diretor da MSVA Victoria Moran John Joseph, vocalista do The Cro-Mags, autor, Ironman e apresentador convidado da MSVA. O chefe de pastelaria, autor e membro do corpo docente do MSVA, Fran Costigan, com a estudante Cindy Negron MSVA e Carolina Quijada, em Miami, com o diretor do programa Victoria Moran Faculdade Adjunta: Paul K. Chappell, graduado em West Point e autor de Peaceful Revolution (Paulkchappell), Jenne Claiborne. HHC, AADP Sherry Colb, JD, professor de direito de Cornell e autor de Mente Se Eu Ordem o Cheeseburger Michael Parrish Dudell, consultor de negócios e autor com Mark Cuban, Barbara Corcoran, ea outra TV 8220sharks8221 de Shark Tank Jump Inicie o seu negócio Bruce Friedrich, do Good Food Institute (GFI) e New Crop Capital (NCC), organizações voltadas para a substituição de produtos animais por plantas e alternativas baseadas na cultura Joel Kahn, MD, 8220America8217s Holistic Heart Doc, 8221 Reader8217s Digest colunista, autor de The Whole Heart Solution TV show de culinária Jaime Karpovich, VLCE, savethekales Michelle McMacken, MD, internista, Centro Médico Bellevue Christopher-Sebastian McJetters. Escritor que examina as complexas relações entre a violência animal e as muitas formas de opressão humana em nossa cultura Ana Negron, MD, autor de Nutrir o Corpo e Recuperar a Saúde Matt Ruscigno, RD. Co-autor de No Carne Atleta Jasmin Singer, co-fundador da nossa casa de galinha e Dr. Oz-featured autor de Sempre muito e nunca bastante e Dianne Wenz, HHC, AADP, VLCE, editor, chicvegan notou radiodifusor Jane Velez-Mitchell, janeunchained E Zachary Koval, VLCE, treinador executivo, personal trainer, e 2013 8220Peta8217s mais sexy vegetariana Next Door8221 8220Main Street Vegan Academy será para sempre uma experiência fundamental na minha viagem. Ter a oportunidade de aprender um arcabouço de informação e conhecimento tão bem-desenvolvido, tem motivado e promovido meu compromisso de ajudar os outros a atingir níveis de saúde, felicidade e propósito que o estilo de vida vegano oferece.8221 Avital Weiss, VLCE, Belfast, Irlanda do Norte Curso: Primavera de 2017: 31 de março - 5 de abril (2 espaços restantes) Mestrado somente para graduados de MSVA: 23-25 ​​de junho de 2017 Verão de 2017: 28 de julho 8211 2 de agosto Outono de 2017: de 14 a 19 de novembro Primavera de 2018: 25 Início do verão de 2018: 22 a 27 de junho Mestrado somente para os graduados do MSVA: 24 a 26 de agosto de 2018 Início do outono de 2018: de 19 a 24 de outubro Fim de outono de 2018: de 7 a 12 de dezembro Onde é que o programa acontece? Vivo e em pessoa em New York City. Este não é apenas um curso que você recordará toda sua vida. Em NYC você será introduzido e ensinado por algumas das pessoas mais influentes na cena vegana contemporânea, e você aprenderá ao lado de outros estudantes MSVA que provavelmente se tornarão seus amigos e contatos de negócios ao longo da vida. Ao vir aqui você verá o futuro do veganismo: uma cidade repleta de restaurantes vegan, lojas, eventos e muito mais. Nossas viagens de campo a restaurantes, boutiques e outros negócios vegan fazem do programa MSVA uma vaca de estudo urbana única e que muda a vida, se você vive no Nordeste dos Estados Unidos ou vem de longe. Quem se candidata a este programa Mulheres e homens de todas as esferas da vida 8212 e, até agora, quinze diferentes países 8212 fazem parte da Main Street Vegan Academy família. Ao selecionar os alunos, procuramos um compromisso com o estilo de vida vegan, ea flexibilidade, abertura de espírito e vontade de submeter-se a um programa de imersão intensiva de 5 dias de manhã à noite. Os participantes incluíram homens e mulheres das profissões de saúde médica e aliada, empresários, instrutores de ioga, profissionais de culinária, professores, assistentes sociais e conselheiros de dependência, profissionais de TI, militares, formadores de fitness, estudantes, mães em casa e Mais. Cada classe tem estudantes de todas as idades. (18 anos é a idade mínima para frequentar a escola, embora aceitássemos um adolescente mais jovem freqüentando o programa com um pai. Não há um limite de idade superior.) Como sei se I8217m está qualificado Para ser aceito no programa, você precisa ser um Vegan dietético já (isto é, não consumindo nenhum produto animal, incluindo peixe, ovos e produtos lácteos, independentemente de como estes são obtidos). Você também precisa estar aberto a aprender mais sobre todos os aspectos da vida vegan. Antes da aceitação, analisamos cada candidatura e podemos conduzir uma entrevista por telefone com o candidato. Uma lista de leitura modesta é então enviada e nós esperamos que cada participante tenha lido os livros na lista antes do início de sua sessão. Ouvindo pelo menos 21 episódios do Main Street Vegan Podcast. Que abrange uma variedade de tópicos (saúde, ética, ambientalismo, gastronomia, fitness, etc) também é necessário antes do início do seu curso. Nós somos um programa da igualdade de oportunidades, dando boas-vindas a estudantes sem consideração à raça, à nacionalidade, à afiliação étnica, à religião, à política, ou à orientação sexual nós igualmente damos boas-vindas a aquelas de todas as preferências dietéticas vegan. Partilhamos algumas refeições juntas e tomamos em consideração quaisquer alergias estudantis. Não podemos, no entanto, acomodar todas as preferências de alimentos, de modo que além de ficar estritamente vegan, orgânico, sempre que possível, e deixando de fora qualquer alérgenos we8217re informado, pedimos um pouco de flexibilidade alimentar, enquanto you8217re aqui. Wow Victoria sabe todas as coisas certas e as pessoas certas. Mesmo a pessoa mais experiente do negócio vegan tem algo a ganhar com este curso. Anndi Hahner, RN, VLCE, Kansas City, MO O investimento do programa é de 1895 por aluno. (O pagamento deve ser feito em dólares dos EUA ou calculado para ser igual a 1895 em dólares americanos.) Uma vez que você tenha sido aceito na Academia, você pode pagar: Um depósito não reembolsável de 395, exigido dentro de 30 dias para manter o seu lugar na sala de aula. Você deve pagar o restante 1500 dentro de 60 dias do início da aula. Ou a inscrição completa you8217ll recebem um desconto de 300 (1595 em vez de 1895) para pagar dentro de 30 dias da aceitação. As mensalidades completas ou o depósito devem ser recebidos no prazo de um mês após a sua aceitação, a fim de que um lugar na sala de aula seja mantido para você. Após a aceitação, você receberá uma fatura de cartão de crédito para a inscrição com desconto de adiantamento, ou o depósito, como você estipular em sua aplicação. Se você preferir PayPal, nosso link é PayPal. memainstreetvegan. O depósito não é reembolsável. Se uma verdadeira emergência (doença pessoal, morte na família, desastre natural, etc) deve mantê-lo de participar do programa, o depósito é transferível para um curso posterior. Se você tiver pago integralmente e surgir uma emergência, receberá um reembolso de todos, exceto 395, o que pode ser aplicado a um curso posterior. O saldo é devido no prazo de 60 dias do seu curso ou você arrisca perder tanto o seu depósito e seu lugar na sala de aula. Por favor, não se aplica se você não é sério sobre assistir ou se você não tiver certeza de sua capacidade de pagar a sua mensalidade. Nós não temos a equipe necessária para lidar com aplicações frívolas. Por favor, ajude-nos e seus companheiros veganos, aplicando apenas quando você se sentir certo você pode seguir através 8212 obrigado. Alguns graduados batem em seu lado do biz-wiz e começam companhias do vegan. Mostrado acima: Kat Mendenhall (botas de vaqueiro do Vegan), Dallas V marca a loja (mini-mart, para abrir em Filadélfia), e Riverdel Fine Foods sem leite, um fromagerie em Brooklyn. O que inclui minha aula? Durante o período do curso, você receberá: Uma experiência de vida memorável e em mudança de vida impossível de duplicar em um ambiente on-line ou de aprendizagem à distância Uma imersão em todos os aspectos da filosofia e prática vegana, bem como aulas sobre como - to8217s de vegan coaching, vegan evangelismo, e vegan negócio Algumas 40 horas de pequeno grupo instrução e aprendizagem experiencial com Victoria Moran e outros peritos membros do corpo docente e convidados palestrantes Acesso pessoal ao corpo docente e apresentadores convidados, alguns dos mais procurados especialistas em Vegan vivendo nos EUA hoje Viagens de campo para NYC vegan negócios e atrações Diploma e certificação profissional como um Main Street Vegan Lifestyle treinador e educador (VLCE), preparado para treinar indivíduos e grupos em sua viagem vegan Cinco dias e meio cheio Com Victoria Moran, autor comemorado, altofalante, educador, anfitrião de rádio, conselheiro holístico da saúde, educador do ampère do treinador do Vegan Lifestyle, Vegan do ano 2012, E Peta8217s Mais sexy Vegan Mais de 50, categoria feminina, 201617. Esta é uma experiência de boutique em um ambiente de pequeno grupo. Victoria ensinará diariamente e estará disponível durante todo o programa para responder suas perguntas pessoalmente. Seu relacionamento com ela, os outros luminares que compõem o MSVA faculdade, e seus colegas e alunos de outras classes pode durar uma vida. E não incluído em suas aulas, mas oferecido a você como convidado Victoria8217s: um jantar de boas-vindas, almoço de domingo, e pequeno-almoço em ambas as manhãs de fim de semana (as refeições são estritamente vegan com uma ênfase de alimentos, orgânica na maior extensão possível e acomodando as necessidades de Qualquer aluno com alergias) mais um lanche da tarde, chás e Mountain Valley Spring Water e Saratoga Springs Sparkling Water. Marty Davey, MS, RD, instrutor de nutrição para MSVA, e autor do e-livro interativo, You8217re Not Dead Yet: Nutrição para o Over-50 Multidão. E após a graduação, you8217ll receber: Uma compilação de e-mail do curso folhetos de Victoria Moran e PowerPoint pacotes de vários outros instrutores O MSVA certificado VLCE banner para o seu site, blog, assinatura de e-mail, páginas de mídia social e materiais impressos Listagem no 8220 Certified Vegan Coaches8221 página de MainStreetVegan em qualquer ponto após a graduação quando você deseja adicionar o seu anúncio Acesso ao privado Main Street Vegan Alumni fórum no Facebook A MSVA Master List com informações de contato para seus colegas VLCEs, uma forte rede de apoio Vegan Lifestyle Coaches amp Educadores de Em toda a América do Norte e em todo o mundo, incluindo notáveis ​​blogueiros, chefs, profissionais de saúde, treinadores pessoais, consultores de imagem, criadores de receitas, web designers e outros que podem oferecer-lhe o seu aconselhamento e apoio A oportunidade de ter sua (s) No blog Vegan do Main Street. Uma maneira de compartilhar seu conteúdo com um público amplo e introduzir essa audiência para você, seu site e sua empresa Acesso ao corpo docente com suas perguntas e preocupações Alunos privados apenas mailings incluindo oportunidades de trabalho e oportunidades de divulgação, além de reuniões informais em NYC e em torno O país A opção de ser listado como VIP (Vegan Information Point) com a American Vegan Society. Apresentando-o como um recurso vegan em sua área A oportunidade, se você deseja participar dela, para a educação complementar conosco no programa de pós-graduação Master Coach, um fim de semana intensivo oferecido a cada um ou dois anos O cache de ser um Main Street Vegan - Certificado Vegan Lifestyle treinador e educador. Nosso programa é conhecido em toda a comunidade baseada em plantas eo mundo dos direitos dos animais como oferecendo a mais alta qualidade de instrução e oportunidades contínuas de networking. Para uma visita fotográfica da fabulosa (e da comida) de uma experiência da Academia Vegan, De Elissa Blake Free, VLCE, Washington, DC, jornalista e graduação de outubro de 2015, que passou a ocupar um cargo no Barnard Medical Center. Que outros custos incorrerão Você é responsável por seus próprios custos de viagem e seguro de viagem, acomodações e refeições fora, bem como transporte em Nova York, e qualquer compra que você deseja fazer em viagens de campo. (Você não é obrigado a comprar nada nas lojas que visitamos, embora a maioria dos alunos aproveitar as viagens de campo e 8220stock up8221 em sapatos vegan, cintos, cosméticos, alimentos de especialidade, produtos de cuidados corporais e presentes.) Permitir cerca de 65 total para Almoços fora durante o programa, e 25 a 40 para almoço de graduação (opcional) em Candle Cafe West. Você também estará no seu próprio para o jantar todas as noites, exceto sexta-feira, e para o café-da-manhã segunda-feira, terça-feira e quarta-feira de manhã, quando as aulas são realizadas em um centro de conferências alugado. We8217ll fornecer Lara Bares e BadAss Power cookies naquelas manhãs, mas você terá que trazer o seu próprio café ou chá. Se você estiver em um orçamento, recomendações para acomodações de baixo custo estão disponíveis mediante solicitação. Os lugares mais convenientes para ficar estão em Manhattan8217s Upper West Side ou em South Harlem, embora ficar em qualquer lugar em Manhattan ou perto de Brooklyn (especialmente se você tiver acesso à linha de metrô 2 ou 3) funciona. Este curso é projetado para ajudar você a orientar outros para a transição para e prosperar com o estilo de vida vegan. Enquanto você receberá várias horas de treinamento de saúde e nutrição, você não será um nutricionista. Ser um educador certificado do Vegan Lifestyle Coach não o qualifica para prestar aconselhamento médico ou tratar qualquer doença. Qualquer pessoa que pretende sofrer uma grande mudança na dieta deve consultar um profissional de saúde licenciado. Este também não é um programa culinário: sua experiência após a conclusão deste curso será para ensinar, orientar e aconselhar indivíduos e grupos sobre vegan comer e viver, bem como alinhar os dons empresariais e talentos que você pode trazer à mesa com o seu Desejo de extensão vegana alargada. Enquanto nós lhe damos uma experiência educativa atolada em um curto período de tempo eo apoio de nosso grupo de alunos ativos depois, não fazemos garantias sobre o que qualquer graduado vai ou não vai realizar após a conclusão do nosso programa. Muitos de nossos graduados têm práticas bem sucedidas e ou vegan empresas 8212 e podemos colocá-lo em contato com alguns destes se you8217d como. Não podemos, entretanto, prometer este resultado para todos, nem prometemos que qualquer graduado necessariamente ganhará renda como resultado de tomar este curso. O nosso é um programa de certificação no qual homens e mulheres que já são veganos aprendem a ensinar e aconselhar outros. Não é um curso de como-ir-vegan. Se você está procurando este tipo de ajuda, confira o 21-Day Vegan Kickstart. free and online, from Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine. 8220I could not have imagined a better experience. Learning from Victoria Moran, hanging out with vegans aspiring to be of assistance to others, being back in the greatest city in the world, was exactly as fulfilling as Id hoped it would be. At the risk of sounding trite, my biggest disappointment was that my class of the Main Street Vegan Academy had to come to an end.8221 The Rev. Russell K. Elleven, EdD, DMin, LPC, NCC, CFLE, VLCE, Chicago, IL Books by our alumni: Vegan Pregnancy Survival Guide , by Sayward Rebhal, VLCE Vegan Pressure Cooking , by JL Fields, VLCE, also on our faculty teaching 8220When Your VLCE Means Business8221 The Answer Is Vegan , Carol Cymerint, RN, VLCE and Animooves , by Jackie Demari Costello, LVCYT, VLCE Another look at upcoming course dates: Spring 2017: March 31-April 5 (2 spaces remaining) Masters course for MSVA graduates only: June 23-25, 2017 Summer 2017: July 28 8211 August 2 Fall 2017: November 14-19 Spring 2018: April 20-25 Early summer 2018: June 22-27 Masters course for MSVA graduates only: Aug. 24-26, 2018 Early fall 2018: October 19-24 Late fall 2018: December 7-12 Sean Corleone, fitness trainer amp MSVA Lifestyle Coach amp Educator based in Berlin, Germany For consideration as a s tudent in an upcoming Main Street Vegan Academy course, please complete the online MSVA application. We will get back to you within 7 days to let you know of your acceptance. Please apply only if you are (1) already vegan (2) serious about attending the program and (3) have the means to cover your tuition. Either full tuition (1895 with a 300 discount for paying in advance 1595) or a 395 nonrefundable deposit (1500 balance due 60 days prior to the start of your course), must be received within 30 days of your acceptance or we cannot guarantee your place in class. Please do not apply if you are uncertain about taking the course, or if you are not willing or able to pay your tuition or deposit within 30 days we do not have the staff or resources to deal with frivolous applications. Ours is a boutique program accepting 20 students per class maximum . We understand that emergencies happen, but if you even suspect that something may interfere with your being able to take the course in which you8217ve enrolled , please let us know sooner rather than later so we can attempt to fill the available spot. If you opt to hold your space with a nonrefundable deposit, the balance of tuition is due within 60 days of the start of your course. Should you need a bit more time, you must let us know prior to the balance-due date or risk losing your deposit and your place in class. Cancellation policy: The 395 deposit is nonrefundable, although it will be applicable to ONE other class if an emergency forces you to change your plans if you fail to attend a second time, your deposit is forfeited. If you pay upfront to get the 300 discount, we hope that you feel quite certain that you8217ll attend. Should an emergency arise, all but 395 of your payment will be refunded, and that 395 will be applicable to one later course. Some books by our faculty: Running, Eating, Thinking , Martin Rowe, instructor for 8220Veganism and Environmental Ethics,8221 and featuring an essay from JL Fields, who teaches 8220When Your VLCE Means Business8221 Shark Tank Jump Start Your Business , Michael Parrish Dudell, who teaches 8220Branding and Marketing for VLCEs8221 Always Too Much and Never Enough , memoir from Jasmin Singer, who has co-taught 8220Animals Rights and Animal Law8221 with Mariann Sullivan, JD Vegan Chocolate , from pastry chef Fran Costigan who teaches 8220The Art of the Food Demo,8221 and No Meat Athlete , by Matt Frazer, co-authored by instructor Matt Ruscigno, RD, who flies in from Southern California to teach for us when he can. Graduates Praise Main Street Vegan Academy Check out blog post from Sayward Rebhal, VLCE, Santa Barbara: 8220Main Street Vegan Academy Will Change Your Life ,8221 on the OurHenHouse. org site Field trip fashion: This is a trip to the Vaute boutique 8211 coats for women amp men, chic daywear, plus a collection of evening gowns and swimwear. No words can describe the positive and life-changing experience I had at MSVA Thank you again for helping me on the path that I feel so passionate about Stacy Morris, VLCE, Long Island, NY 8220The academy was an incredible experience. All of the speakers were so inspirational and powerful. I was amazed how humble and kind they were and how they were so willing to share. I learned something valuable and different from each one of them.8221 Vivien Straume, VLCE, Derwood, MD 8220Victoria Moran creates a life-changing and revelatory experience for her students at Main Street Vegan Academy. The wealth of knowledge, passion, kindness and insight that Moran and her team of instructors bring to the course is nothing short of genius. My only complaint: having to leave when it was over. Colette Rice, VLCE, Sacramento, CA And here8217s a piece in ChicVegan from graduate Robin Patalon, VLCE, Fallston, MD: 8220A Walk Down Main Street8221 8220I can8217t fully express my gratitude to Victoria Moran for Main Street Vegan Academy The class was an incredible experience. Not only did Victoria impart her knowledge to us, but she put together the most amazing line up of presenters. Spending time with so many like-minded people was extremely inspiring and this course was exactly what I needed to jump-start my vegan counseling business.8221 Dianne Wenz, CHHC, AADP, VLCE, West Orange, NJ 8220Ever since attending MSVA this past June, I am so amazed at how quickly and effortlessly my educationadvocacy efforts have materialized. I am now doing cooking demos at the health food store in Sedona as well as the Olive Oil Trading Company in Cottonwood, which has asked if I would up the demos to at least two per month instead of one as they had sellout crowds for my first two and had to waitlist people.8221 Linda Voorhies, Sedona, AZ 8220Blend professionalism with the generosity of a seasoned and delightful hostess. The result Victoria Moran8217s Main Street Vegan Academy. This terrific 5-day course in NYC draws on veg-savvy experts who help, guide, and encourage participants to find their own pace to make veganism work best for them, for their clients, and the world. This course is an original 8211 and worth every bit of the time and money you spend.8221 Carol Schneider, VLCE, Boca Raton, FL From the 8220Mixed Green Blog8221 by Margie Cook, VLCE, Toronto: 8220Main Street Vegan Academy Magic.8221 Field trip fun: elf (eyes, lips, face) studio 8211 cruelty-free cosmetic shop in NYC8217s Financial District I just wanted to let you know how grateful I am for being a part of such an amazing course. I have learned and grown so much in such a short period of time and I will be role modeling and transferring my knowledge to as many people as I possibly can during my travels and throughout the rest of my life. Louella Monaghan, VLCE, Perth, Western Australia 8220 Victorias compassion for animal beings and her clients infuses her instruction with an essence of understanding which enables MSVA graduates, to emerge after a short, productive week, as instruments of powerful change. The success of my clients is a testament to Main Street Vegan Academy.8221 Nina Hayes, VLCE, Boston, MA 8220I8217ve picked up three clients Vegan Lifestyle Coaching clients since graduating from MSVA last month amp I loved every second of the course. Thank you for equipping me with great tools and resources. Hearing the past graduates8217 stories amp how they set up their business was extremely helpful as well.8221 Cortney Ostrosky, VLCE, Charleston, SC 8220I am so excited to share that I will be working as a Humane Educator with the Ethical Choices Program beginning in a couple of weeks I am grateful for my VLCE certification and the amazing Main Street Vegan Academy 8211 thank you, Victoria8221 Sally Sanders, VLCE, Tallahassee, FL A post from one of our male grads, Lynn Price, VLCE, Charlotte, NC, on his blog, CrueltyFreeMe 8220 As someone fairly new to the vegan lifestyle, I thought I8217d be in over my head but no worries. This comprehensive course gave me the knowledge and skills I needed to take this to the next level. I8217ve never enjoyed learning so much or meeting such inspiring, amazing contacts and friends. I8217m truly grateful for the experience.8221 Lynne Agnew, VLCE, Endicott, NY Sometimes we even get praise from someone who wasn8217t here 8220I want to thank you for inspiring my wife, Alice. Her experience preparing for and participating in the Academy was truly transformative. We8217ve been together almost 40 years, and I can8217t remember when I8217ve seen her so focused and so excited. During lunches on our balcony, she8217s shared in detail, speaker-by-speaker and activity-by-activity, her experiences. I also read some of the books she was assigned. As a result, the Academy has changed my life, too8221 Wayne A. Gilbert, spouse, Denver, CO From the popular blog, Vegan Noms: 8220The Main Street Vegan Academy 8211 A Life Changing Experience8221 At graduation luncheon, Candle Cafe West: Sheila Williams (AZ), Karrin Perez (NJ), Bren Hamilton (CA),During this short kick-off video, Doug Webster, Vice President of Service Provider Marketing, Cisco, and Light Readings CEO Founder Steve Saunders give an overview of Upskill U. Doug Webster, Vice President of Service Provider Marketing, Cisco Doug Webster is the Vice President of Service Provider Marketing for Cisco Systems. In this capacity, he is responsible for overall thought leadership, messaging, launch, content and program development for the companys service provider strategy and priorities. Doug is also responsible for oversight of the service provider routing, mobility and video solutions teams. The highly regarded Cisco Visual Networking Index forecasts are developed under Dougs guidance. His team also works with a number of teams throughout Cisco on the delivery of content through a wide range of vehicles including customer, press, analyst, investor, event, web, social media and internal communications. Before joining Cisco Systems, Doug was an initial employee and Director of Communications at WheelGroup Corporation, a network security startup acquired by Cisco in 1998. Doug Webster, Vice President of Service Provider Marketing, Cisco This introductory course will cover all the important aspects of virtualization, including what it is, why its important, how its impacting the industry, the challenges and benefits and more. It will also give a high-level overview of key aspects to consider when moving to a virtualized infrastructure, such as analytics, security, how to take the first steps and where virtualization will have the most impact first. This course prepares students for subsequent courses on virtualization. Roz Roseboro, Senior Analyst, Heavy Reading Roz Roseboro has more than 20 years experience in market research, marketing and product management. Her research focuses on how innovation and change are impacting the compute, network and storage infrastructure domains within the data centers of telecom operators. She monitors trends such as how open source is impacting the development process for telecom, and how telco data centers are transforming to support SDN, NFV and cloud. Roz joined Heavy Reading following eight years at OSS Observer and Analysys Mason, where she most recently managed its Middle East and Africa regional program, and prior to that, its Infrastructure Solutions and Communications Service Provider programs. She spent five years at RHK, where she ran the Switching and Routing and Business Communication Services programs. Prior to becoming an analyst, she worked at Motorola on IT product development and radio and mobile phone product management. Roz holds a BA in English from the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, and an MBA in marketing, management, and international business from the J. L. Kellogg Graduate School of Management at Northwestern University. She is based in Chicago. Roz Roseboro, Senior Analyst, Heavy Reading As traditional networks move to all-IP virtualized networks, service providers are moving to new business and operational models similar to those of the web-scale giants of Google and others. While the opportunity is great, the challenge is equally great due to the many facets of transformation, including provisioning and deploying services, cultural changes, DevOps and Agile methodology and new developments like IoT. During this course, students will gain insight into how the web-scale giants operate, and steps they can take to transform their own companies, departments and businesses to reach the same heights. Josh Goodell, Vice President of Network on Demand Service Integration, ATT Josh Goodell is currently leading the initiative to redefine the ATT Business Solutions core network product offering. Through this initiative, Mr Goodell will deploy ATTs first software defined networking capabilities to enable fully automated service delivery while driving signifigant cost out of the business. Prior to leading Network on Demand, Mr Goodell led ATT Wi-Fi which operates the nations largest Wi-Fi network. He was responsible for delivering network solutions to wide-ranging industry sectors including hospitality, retail, stadiums, universities, healthcare and airports. These solutions help ATT meet the demand of customers expecting a fast, reliable connection on all of their devices, at all times, wherever they happen to be. Prior to heading the ATT Wi-Fi Team, Mr. Goodell served as Associate Vice President responsible for Chief of Staff support for the President and CEO of ATT Business Solutions. In this role, he provided strategic and tactical support for the organization serving ATTs business customers worldwide, including every Fortune 1,000 company and tens of thousands of small and medium-sized businesses. Previously, Goodell led a Core Network Organization where he managed technicians who installed, maintained, and repaired ATTs network in Californias San Francisco Bay Area. He also served as the Executive Director of Customer Service where he created and executed initiatives to improve the customer experience across Consumer, Network, Small Business, Collections and Operator Services. Goodell previously led Call Center Force Operations where he was responsible for force management strategies throughout California and Nevada. Preceding this, Goodell was a Sales Director overseeing Consumer Call Centers in Los Angeles and Orange County, California. In addition to his ATT responsibilities, Goodell has served on the Board of Directors for Junior Achievement in Northern California. A native of California, Goodell earned Bachelor Degrees in Biology and Psychology from the University of California, at Irvine, in 1995. Josh Goodell, Vice President of Network on Demand Service Integration, ATT Building a virtualized, all-IP network is fundamentally different than a traditional TDM-based network, but in order to achieve capex and opex benefits as well as ensure customer experience, service providers are under pressure to get it right. Industry players are taking different approaches to the critical questions around how to build an NFV infrastructure and where to start. This course will look at various approaches, key goals and challenges and provide insight into which strategy is best for specific network operators. Nick Feamster, Acting Director, Center for Information Technology Policy, Princeton University Nick Feamster is a professor in the Computer Science Department at Princeton University and the Acting Director of the Princeton University Center for Information Technology Policy (CITP). Before joining the faculty at Princeton, he was a professor in the School of Computer Science at Georgia Tech. Ele recebeu seu Ph. D. in Computer science from MIT in 2005, and his S. B. and M. Eng. degrees in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from MIT in 2000 and 2001, respectively. His research focuses on many aspects of computer networking and networked systems, with a focus on network operations, network security, and censorship-resistant communication systems. In December 2008, he received the Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers (PECASE) for his contributions to cybersecurity, notably spam filtering. His honors include the Technology Review 35 Top Young Innovators Under 35 award, the ACM SIGCOMM Rising Star Award, a Sloan Research Fellowship, the NSF CAREER award, the IBM Faculty Fellowship, the IRTF Applied Networking Research Prize, and award papers at the SIGCOMM Internet Measurement Conference (measuring Web performance bottlenecks), SIGCOMM (network-level behavior of spammers), the NSDI conference (fault detection in router configuration), Usenix Security (circumventing web censorship using Infranet), and Usenix Security (web cookie analysis). Nick Feamster, Acting Director, Center for Information Technology Policy, Princeton University One of the key benefits of a virtualized network is automation -- for everything from security to analytics to provisioning services and more. In addition, automation helps control expenses: automating tasks and processes lower cost, automation ensures adherance to standards and policies and automation speeds new service delivery. However, a good virtualization strategy is required to truly beneft. This course will delve into the details of automation, how service providers can benefit from automation and what a good strategy looks like. Stefan Vallin, PhD, Product Strategy, Tail-f Systems a Cisco company Dr. Vallin contributes more than 20 years of network and service management experience to Tail-f, a Cisco company specializing in OSS and NMS systems, and network management standards. He has presented at a wide variety of international network engineering and management conferences. Before Tail-f, he worked as an OSS solutions architect at DataDuctus. Dr. Vallin also served as a network management specialist at Ericsson and a research engineer at the University of Linkoumlping. Stefan Vallin, PhD, Product Strategy, Tail-f Systems - a Cisco company The Internet of Things (IoT) is promising to explode over the next three to five years, and service providers and enterprises are rushing to grab a piece of the trillion-dollar market. But haste may make waste in the IoT space due to serious concerns around security and network readiness. While 5G may offer some respite, 5G is still a long way off and providers need to make changes now to prepare for the 21 billion connected devices expected to hit by 2020. This introductory course taught by Ericsson will cover all the important aspects of IoT, including what it is, why its important, how its impacting the industry, the challenges and benefits and more. This course prepares students for subsequent courses on IoT. Martin Zander, Vice President, Ericsson Group Function Strategy Martin Zander works with corporate development, MA and strategic investments. He has been working in the telecom and the wireless semiconductor industry since 1999, and has held a variety of product management and marketing and sales positions with mobile phones, wireless chipsets and multimedia service layer products. Martin is currently engaged in two major activities for Ericsson as program lead for the Ericsson-Cisco partnership announced in November 2015 and under establishmentimplementation, and with aligning and driving the strategy development of the companywide efforts in IoT for the Ericsson Group. Martin Zander, Vice President, Ericsson Group Function Strategy IoT is neither a single technology nor a single market it is a mishmash of networks, systems and technologies, enabling a plethora of market opportunities in multiple industries. This course will examine how operators networks will need to evolve in order to address this diverse IoT opportunity, realizing that the solutions that need to be delivered will draw on all parts of the network but will require complex interactions not previously anticipated. It will also address key questions as to how accelerating NFV and SDN will enable IoT configuration agility and smart service flexibility for vertical industries, as well as challenges in the transition to virtualization. Timothy Winters, Senior Executive, Software and IP Networking, University of New Hampshire InterOperability Laboratory (UNH-IOL) Timothy Winters works with companies from all over the world to develop broad-based, flexible testing strategies to cost effectively meet network interoperability requirements for the Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6), Session Initiation Protocol (SIP), Routing and Home Networking. He is the United States Government IPv6 (USGv6) and IPv6 Ready Logo technical lead for the UNH-IOL. In this role, he oversees various aspects in testing of IPv6 technology, deals with various multi-vendor IPv6 testing scenarios and acts as a liaison between students and vendors during device testing and development. He was instrumental in the UNH-IOLs designation as an ISO-17025 USGv6 accredited laboratory. Timothy has more than 12 years of experience as a UNH-IOL leader and his involvement with cutting-edge technologies has led to outstanding achievement. He is an expert in routing protocols: Open Shortest Path First (OSPF), Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) and Protocol Independent Multicast (PIM), as well as helping deploy the Moonv6 network in the early days of IPv6 as a connectivity specialist and deployment advisor. Passionate about innovation, Timothy has taken the lead for the IPv6 Forums IPv6 Ready Logo Programs. In addition, he assisted with ISOC World IPv6 Launch by creating the criteria for home networking equipment manufactures to participate. His ongoing collaboration with industry forums including the North American IPv6 Task Force, IPv6 Forum, IPv6 Ready Logo Committee, IPSO, Unified Communications Forum and SIP Forum demonstrates his dedication and persistence in developing new standards, as well as assisting commercial services providers, network equipment vendors and government agencies cost effectively speed go-to-market time for products. Timothy Winters, Senior Executive, Software and IP Networking, University of New Hampshire InterOperability Laboratory (UNH-IOL) Despite the hype surrounding connected homes and consumer electronics, the biggest transformations and economic impact will be industrial IoT (IIoT) applications. From lowering the cost of providing effective and efficient healthcare to the provision of safe water and food to a growing global population, IoT will underpin the fabric of modern society. CIOs will become the essential lynchpin to ensuring secure connectivity and the management of data to provide the insights necessary for product and service development and delivery. This course will cover how service providers can work most effectively as partners in this process to be vital players in this landscape. Steve Bell, Senior Analyst, Heavy Reading Steves coverage at Heavy Reading includes the Internet of Things (IoT) and related technologies, focusing on the evolution of the mobile Internet and its impact on digital life. Steve joins Heavy Reading with more than two decades of experience as a strategy, marketing and technology advisor, analyst, speaker and commentator on the mobile Internet and the emerging IoT space. He previously worked with Motorola in Germany, the U. K. and the U. S. where he led technology roadmapping, strategy, product and business development teams that developed 2G, 3G and 4G cellular devices for the global market. In addition, Steve is an entrepreneur who has founded two companies: KeySo Global LLC, an analysis and advisory firm specializing in strategy, marketing and innovation, with a focus on mobile technology and My City Tag LLC, a digital city services platform with an initial market focus on parking. Steve holds a First Class B. A. Honors degree in Business from Kingston University, England. Steve Bell, Senior Analyst, Heavy Reading Once an enterprise-only concern, cloud has made its way into the heart of service provider operations and is a key part of the service providers transformation to virtualized, all-IP networks. However, many service providers are finding themselves ill-equipped to handle the transformation on all fronts -- including skillsets and culture. This introductory course will cover all the important aspects of transforming to cloud-based networks and services, including what it means for service providers, why its important, how its impacting the industry, the challenges and benefits and more. This course prepares students for subsequent courses on cloud platforms and services. Jim Hodges, Senior Analyst, Core Network Evolution Analytics, Heavy Reading Jim leads Heavy Readings research on the impact of NFV on the control plane and application layers at the core and edge. This includes the evolution path of SIP applications, unified communications (UC), IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS), session border controllers (SBCs), Diameter signaling controllers (DSCs), policy controllers and WebRTC. Jim is also focused on the network and subscriber impact of Big Data and Analytics. He authors Heavy Readings NFV and SDN Market Trackers . Other areas of research coverage include Subscriber Data Management (SDM) and fixed-line TDM replacement. Jim joined Heavy Reading from Nortel Networks, where he tracked the VoIP and application server market landscape and was a key contributor to the development of Wireless Intelligent Network (WIN) standards. Additional technical experience was gained with Bell Canada, where he performed IN and SS7 network planning, numbering administration, technical model forecast creation and definition of regulatory-based interconnection models. Jim is based in Ottawa, Canada. Jim Hodges, Senior Analyst, Core Network Evolution Analytics, Heavy Reading While a majority of mobile operators are still deploying 4G networks and transitioning to LTE mobile data services, the standards community, including NGNM and 5GPPP, has already turned its attention to developing 5G standards, and some service providers, including ATT, SK Telecom and Verizon, are touting 5G trials. 5G networks will be capable of supporting trillions of Internet of Things (IoT) devices, and high-definition and ultra-high-definition (4K) video to smartphones and tablets due to exponential improvements in scale, throughput and latency. Along with the obvious evolution of the radio air link, the NFV and SDN technologies will play a critical role in 5G architectures. With 5G services expected to begin launching in 2020, now is the time for service providers to begin preparing. Verizons Flynn and Gabriel Brown, Senior Analyst, Heavy Reading, will discuss the current state of requirements for 5G, and how SDN, NFV and other industry trends, such as mobile edge computing (MEC) and big data analytics, will all play an integral role in the delivery of 5G services. Gerry Flynn, Director of Network Infrastructure Planning, Verizon Gerry Flynn leads Verizons Wireless Standardization work in industry forums and partnership projects and is a key part of Verizons Advanced Technology Strategy team. He is the primary GSMA contact for Verizons participation in programs and working group projects and is a member of the GSMA Product and Services Management Committee. Gerry and his team are currently focused on the future evolution of LTE Network architecture and 5G for IP-based services and applications. During his more than 30 years of wireless industry experience, he has managed a combination of technical, business, regulatory and operations positions of increasing responsibility. Gerry Flynn, Director of Network Infrastructure Planning, Verizon Viewers are increasingly seeking alternatives and complements to conventional TV, with an ever-growing number of mobile-first video viewers, especially in the highly targeted 18-to-34 age group. An IAB study reported that more than one third of smartphone users watch long-form videos every day on their mobile devices. Together, Saini and Alan Breznick, Light Reading, will discusses how mobile operators are dealing with the challenges of the increase in video traffic on their networks while exploring new approaches to monetizing it. Course participants will gain an understanding of how mobile operators are delivering a high-quality video viewing experience while making the cost of carrying video commensurate with the revenues from mobile TV services. These approaches are enabling mobile operators to pursue new win-win relationships with content providers, attract and grow new subscribers and gain new revenues from mobile video services. Upinder Saini, Vice President, Wireless Product Management, Rogers Communications Upinder Saini is a senior executive with more than 20 years of experience in the wireless and cable industry. He is recognized as a thought leader for delivering innovative, multi-screen, digital experiences in entertainment and communications services in Canada. He is currently responsible for developing product strategy, roadmaps and operational plans for all consumer wireless products representing 5 billion in revenue. Upinder has a proven track record of leading large teams to deliver innovative and high-value products to support new revenue streams, acquire new customers and manage customer churn. Prior to joining Rogers in 1999, he was with Bell Mobility for four years where he was responsible for data product development and content development. During this time, he led the launch of several new services, including Bell Mobilitys wireless web. Upinder Saini, Vice President, Wireless Product Management, Rogers Communications Separating a software-based network function from its known hardware execution environment and running it in a relatively unknown cloud environment can be a scary proposition, introducing potential new security vulnerabilities and a rapidly changing environment to secure. Assembling and orchestrating all the right security components to provide VNFs and their underlying execution environments with the right level of security is a large challenge. This course will discuss ways of ensuring that security is preserved in the NFV environment and the security orchestration and other technologies needed for virtual networks. Patrick Donegan, Founder and Principal Analyst, HardenStance Patrick is the Founder and Principal Analyst of HardenStance Ltd, a leading analyst firm providing best in class research, analysis and insight in telecom and IT security. A lot of Patricks research is focused on best practise for telecom operators in securing their own networks and providing security services to end customers. In recent years his research has focused increasingly on the security opportunities and threats presented by the telecom sectors efforts to evolve to more software controlled networking including the evolution in network security requirements from 4G to 5G. Patrick has worked in the telecom sector for over 25 years, including in strategic planning roles for Motorola as well as for Nortels mobile infrastructure business. Prior to forming HardenStance Ltd in January 2017, he worked for eleven years at Heavy Reading, the last three as Heavy Readings Chief Analyst. Patrick Donegan, Founder and Principal Analyst, HardenStance For virtualization to deliver on its promises to both reduce operating costs and accelerate service innovation, network operators need to be simultaneously developing their big data and advanced analytics capabilities. These two critical components in the world of NFV and SDN provide the context for service management, self-optimization and self-healing networks. This course will examine the fundamental questions as to the role of big data and advanced analytics and explain what service providers need to be doing as they prepare for virtualized networks. This course prepares students for subsequent courses on analytics. Sachin Katti, Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at Stanford University Sachin Katti is an Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at Stanford University and also the Co-Founder and ex-CEO of Kumu Networks, which is commercializing his research on full duplex radios. He received his PhD in EECS from MIT in 2009. His research focuses on designing and building next-generation high-capacity wireless networks by combining techniques from information and coding theory, RF systems and networking. His research has won numerous awards, including the 2008 ACM Doctoral Dissertation Award - Honorable Mention, the George Sprowls Award for Best Doctoral Dissertation in EECS at MIT, the IEEE William Bennett Prize, the Best Student Paper Award at ACM SIGCOMM 2012, USENIX ATC 2013, the Sloan Fellowship, the NSF Career Award as well as Okawa, Hoover, Packard and Terman Faculty Fellowships. Sachin Katti, Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at Stanford University Security is no longer that wall you build around your valuables or the lock on the safe. It is now a distributed architecture of network intelligence and analytics that is constantly looking at traffic and its behavior and assessing whether there are bad actors at work. This course will look at how analytics can be used to strengthen network and advanced threat protection capabilities, and automate threat intelligence to detect, analyze and remediate attacks. Ray Watson, VP of Global Technology, Masergy Ray Watson is VP of Global Technology at Masergy. He brings over 17 years of expertise in IT strategy, application solution design and next-generation network architectures. Ray has enabled numerous global enterprises to transform their IT infrastructures to improve business outcomes. Ray is an industry thought leader in IT transformation and a frequent speaker on topics such as hybrid networking, SDN, NFV, cloud connectivity and advanced security. Prior to joining Masergy, Ray worked at Airband Communications and Broadwing Communications. Ray Watson, VP of Global Technology, Masergy Embedding analytics into operations to measure and improve customer experience helps to track the customer at every single touchpoint, whether it be in stores, through a mobile app, SMS, email, website or otherwise. Service providers are starting to combine data sets and break down the silos that currently hamper their ability to optimize their data assets, but challenges remain. This course will discuss how CSPs can tackle data integration and the lack of skilled staff and implement strategies that can boost the bottom line. Juan F. Gorricho, Chief Data Analytics Officer, Partners Federal Credit Union, The Walt Disney Company Juan F. Gorricho leads the data and analytics strategy development and execution for Partners, one of the top credit unions in the country, exclusively serving the more than 150,000 cast members of The Walt Disney Company. He has more than 20 years of experience in the data and analytics space, including multiple publications and speaking engagements all over the world. In his prior roles with Disney, Juan led multiple multi-million dollar projects to implement business intelligence and analytical solutions for key lines of business such as labor operations and merchandise. Juan F. Gorricho, Chief Data Analytics Officer, Partners Federal Credit Union, The Walt Disney Company The new opportunities of IoT extend not just to those capitalizing on connections, but also to those reinventing themselves to provide solutions for the requirements of our hyper-connected world. While IoT opens up channels of communication that were never possible before -- billions of connected devices allow an unprecedented flow of data it also opens up new points of vulnerability that need to be secured, a new opportunity for those in the security business. This course will look at the various ways to ensure IoT security, including creating partnerships and ecosystems, digital signature and authentication, device management and prevention policies to build security in from the ground up. Jason Porter, Vice President, Security Solutions, ATT Jason Porter currently leads ATTs cyber security business. He is responsible for driving growth and profitability for the ATT Security portfolio, consisting of network, premise, cloud and mobile security products, threat management and consulting. He leads a large team consisting of Sales, Product, Marketing and Consulting leaders. Since joining ATT in 2002, Jason has held various leadership positions in Engineering, Strategy, Operations and Marketing spanning consumer and business. He maintains a track record of successfully introducing and maturing emerging technologies and business units as well as transforming businesses. Previously, Jason Porter was Vice President of DevOps for ATT Partner Solutions where he was responsible for driving profitability and growth of the ATT Partner Exchange channel. He and his team launched over 25 products, reduced cycle times by 75 and transformed the user experience to earn one of the highest Net Promoter Scores in the industry. Prior to that role, Jason Porter was AVP, Business Development for ATT Business Solutions, responsible for evaluating and forming strategic cloud partnerships to extend ATTs market share, develop differentiating features and scale the As a Service business. Jason also was the AVP of Mobility Service Operations for ATT Global Network Operations. He was responsible for the health, maintenance and growth of voice and data services for over 80 million worldwide wireless subscribers. In this role, Jason successfully introduced products and services such as the 3G MicroCell, Location Based Services, and devices including the iPhone, the iPad, and the Kindle. Prior to his role in ATT Mobility, Jason was Director of U-verse Operations, responsible for crafting and executing a strategy to introduce a first ever technology and grow it to a scalable solution. He created and executed an Incubation Center concept founded in the end-to-end customer experience, maximizing rapid learning and establishing operational discipline in a nascent environment. Jasons leadership in U-verse resulted in numerous patents, awards, and enabled the growth of the first million U-verse customers. Jason holds a bachelors degree in Engineering from The United States Military Academy at West Point and an MBA from Regis University. He served in the Army as an Armor Officer, leading a Tank Platoon and a Mortar Platoon. He and his wife, Tiffany, have three children and currently reside in Frisco, Texas. Jason Porter, Vice President, Security Solutions, ATT The linking of capillary sensor networks to the cloud creates the opportunity for huge amounts of data to be aggregated and shared, with resulting insight and potential second order impact on innovation. To get to this stage, however, an integrated IoT and data analytics strategy is required. This course will cover the role of the telco, cloud providers and other stakeholders in this shift. Centralized intelligence vs. the edge of the network will also be addressed. Nick Feamster, Acting Director, Center for Information Technology Policy, Princeton University Nick Feamster is a professor in the Computer Science Department at Princeton University and the Acting Director of the Princeton University Center for Information Technology Policy (CITP). Before joining the faculty at Princeton, he was a professor in the School of Computer Science at Georgia Tech. Ele recebeu seu Ph. D. in Computer science from MIT in 2005, and his S. B. and M. Eng. degrees in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from MIT in 2000 and 2001, respectively. His research focuses on many aspects of computer networking and networked systems, with a focus on network operations, network security, and censorship-resistant communication systems. In December 2008, he received the Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers (PECASE) for his contributions to cybersecurity, notably spam filtering. His honors include the Technology Review 35 Top Young Innovators Under 35 award, the ACM SIGCOMM Rising Star Award, a Sloan Research Fellowship, the NSF CAREER award, the IBM Faculty Fellowship, the IRTF Applied Networking Research Prize, and award papers at the SIGCOMM Internet Measurement Conference (measuring Web performance bottlenecks), SIGCOMM (network-level behavior of spammers), the NSDI conference (fault detection in router configuration), Usenix Security (circumventing web censorship using Infranet), and Usenix Security (web cookie analysis). Nick Feamster, Acting Director, Center for Information Technology Policy, Princeton University From WiFi to 5G, the next generation of wireless networks, including 5G, has the potential to broaden broadband data networking and boost demand for mobile video exponentially. This course will give an overview of those next-generation wireless networking technologies, the impact on customers and what they mean for service providers as they look to rule the airwaves. Asfaw Negeri, Senior Manager, Solutions Engineering, Tata Communications Transformation Services (TCTS) North America Asfaw Negeri has many years of experience in end-to-end wireless solution design and deployment, strategic New Product Introduction (NPI) and business readiness planning and development. He has in the past worked for Ericsson, Sprint and WeDo Technologies. Asfaw Negeri, Senior Manager, Solutions Engineering, Tata Communications Transformation Services (TCTS) North America Building a virtualized infrastructure based on an Openstack foundation is fundamentally different than traditional data center architectures. But it is essential to delivering the agility and cost optimizations required by todays video providers looking to succeed in the multi-screen and on-demand market where consumers expect new and engaging entertainment to be continually and rapidly refreshed. This course will explore some of the specific approaches taken in transforming the development, integration and implementation of video networking infrastructure for powering some of the most innovative services in the pay-TV market. Matt Caulfield, Principal Engineer, OpenStack, Cisco Matt Caulfield is the architect of Ciscos Media Data Center solution for running video workloads on OpenStack. From content providers to service providers, he is an expert in the intersection of cloud and media. He works closely with Ciscos broadcast, post-production and video distribution customers to address their unique use cases in a hybrid cloud environment. Before joining the OpenStackCisco team, Matt spent six years working with Ciscos video group developing high-performance encoding and streaming software. Matt Caulfield, Principal Engineer, OpenStack, Cisco With no end in sight, the demand for video over mobile devices has left many service providers looking at their content delivery infrastructure strategies to ensure quality of experience and performance and reduce latency. But not all networks are created equal, and strategies vary based on geographic location, customer preferences and existing network architecture. This course looks at how service providers are addressing critical performance enhancements, the impact on the network and what those enhancements might mean for customers. Jason Thibeault, Executive Director, Streaming Video Alliance Jason Thibeault is the Executive Director of the Streaming Video Alliance, a worldwide consortium of businesses dedicated to shaping the future of online video through best practices, guidelines and functionaltechnical requirements. In this role, Jason is focused on managing the day-to-day operations, acting as its chief evangelist and growing the membership base. Prior to the SVA, he spent eight years at Limelight Networks in a variety of capacities. Jason Thibeault, Executive Director, Streaming Video Alliance There is a transformation underway in the video industry toward more flexible operating models, faster service provisioning and greater innovation. Key to this transformation is the virtualization and orchestration of video processing and secure delivery of content. This transformation has the potential to improve the bottom line by making it more profitable to support video services and also improve the top line by enabling new revenue opportunities. This course will highlight the benefits and approach to implementing virtualization and orchestration by focusing on a recent customer case study. Rajeev Raman, Senior Director for Infinite Video, Cisco Rajeev Raman is the Senior Director for Infinite Video, Ciscos cloud video offering, and a member of the Video Software and Solutions leadership team. Rajeev was most recently Founder and CEO of 1 Mainstream, a SaaS platform for media companies and service providers to launch and monetize content services on a variety of connected devices. Prior to 1 Mainstream, Rajeev led all aspects of product management at Roku, Inc. Earlier in his career he was CEO and Founder of mywaves, and Entrepreneur In Residence at Menlo Ventures. Rajeev Raman, Senior Director for Infinite Video, Cisco Even as telecom operators embrace IT technology and look to virtualized services and operate them on commodity hardware, the service mix they provide requires more than the typical IT data center infrastructure. While many functions will ultimately be virtualized, many will not leading to a plethora of dedicated appliances, servers and traditional switches and routers being needed for the foreseeable future. Performance and reliability requirements may also play a role in shaping the data center future for telecom, which may ultimately need a more distributed approach to its data center infrastructure. This course will explore how telecom is evolving its data center strategy to support virtualization as quickly as possible while maintaining service standards and supporting future services. This course prepares students for subsequent courses on the telco data center. Jeff Brown, Director, Product Management Marketing, Windstream Jeff Brown is responsible for product development, product management and all marketing functions for Windstreams wholesale business unit, and is also actively involved in Windstreams SDN and NFV efforts. Prior to joining Windstream in 2013, Jeff held leadership positions working in the service provider and cable MSO space, including VP-level roles at Covad and Sprint. Jeff Brown, Director, Product Management Marketing, Windstream Web-scale players and the emergence of cloud networking are changing the communications landscape dramatically and providing tremendous new growth opportunities in optical networking. On the one hand, web 2.0 giants, such as Google, Facebook and Yahoo, are becoming large buyers of DWDM equipment as they connect their massive data centers across cities and countries. On the other hand, traditional telcos are pursuing their own strategy, increasingly outsourcing data centers and creating a connected intelligent-edge strategy that pushes content and data closer to the customers and still requires high-speed optics. This course looks at the future of metro data center interconnect, primarily from the telcos perspective. What lessons can be learned from the web-scale service providers What should telecom operators do differently to put data, content and network smarts where they are needed most Phill Lawson-Shanks, Chief Architect Vice President of Innovation, EdgeConneX Mr. Lawson-Shanks has been at the forefront of designing and deploying industry leading solutions in both the UK and the US for over 25 years. Prior to joining EdgeConneX, Phill was CTO of Virtacore responsible for datacenter build-out, network core architecture and systems to accommodate the migration and consolidation of thousands of clients and infrastructure. Phills team also designed and deployed the worlds largest VMware based Public Cloud. At Alcatel-Lucent Phill served as Chief Strategy Officer were he led their effective transition to the cloud, virtualizing many of their programs and creating meaningful time and cost savings. Phill joined SAVVIS as VP and GM of Hosting to re-establish the Managed Hosting business as well as introduce the virtual server product. As Founder, VP and GM of Digital Media at MCI (now Verizon Digital Media Services), Phill created the division and received several related patents in the process. Phill holds 8 active Technology Patents secured worldwide including 4 in the U. S. and 4 in Europe. Phill Lawson-Shanks, Chief Architect Vice President of Innovation, EdgeConneX The demand for always-on content means greater need for high-speed pipes and distributed contentapplications well beyond the large markets, and that is creating new opportunity for national, regional and smaller carriers and data center operators. It is also reshaping the very definition of interconnection, as data center, colocationcarrier hotel, content-delivery networks and meet-me capabilities are combined in new and different ways. This course will look at the changing face of competition in the interconnection world and who can capitalize on these new opportunities. Rodney M. Elder, Senior Solutions Architect, Equinix Rodney M. Elder is a 22-year veteran of the computer communications industry. He has extensive background in advanced networking technologies, specifically global and metropolitan Ethernet. He is a MEF Forum Carrier Ethernet v2.0 certified professional. He brings experience starting and creating new emerging products and services, such as high-speed LAN Interconnect at MFS Datanet award-winning, easy-to-use VoIP IP-PBX at Allied Telesys and segment-defining BLEC solutions. He was Co-Founder of ARC. Rodney began his business career working for Royal Dutch Shell Oil in Houston at its world headquarters information technology center. During his military career in the United States Air Force as a Technical Controller, he was assigned to the 602 TACC at the 12th Air Force in Austin and graduated top of his NCOIC class as the John Levitow award winner for excellence in military knowledge and leadership skills. Rodney M. Elder, Senior Solutions Architect, Equinix As service providers move to virtualized networks, telco center offices are being re-architected to look like data centers. During this course, you will learn more about why the transition needs to happen now, how to make the transition and what the new central office will look like. Guru Parulkar, Executive Director, Open Networking Research Center, Open Networking Lab Guru Parulkar is Executive Director of the Open Networking Research Center, Executive Director of the Open Networking Lab, and Consulting Professor of EE at Stanford University. Guru has been in the networking field for more than 25 years. He joined Stanford in 2007 as Executive Director of its Clean Slate Internet Design Program. At Stanford, Guru helped create three programs: OpenFlow Software-Defined Networking, Programmable Open Mobile Internet 2020, and the Stanford Experimental Data Center Laboratory. Prior to Stanford, he spent four years at the National Science Foundation (NSF) and worked with the broader research community to create programs such as GENI, Future Internet Design, and Network of Sensor Systems. He received the NSF Directors award for Program Management excellence. Before NSF, Guru founded several startups, including Growth Networks (acquired by Cisco) and Sceos (IPOd as Ruckus Wireless). He served as Entrepreneur in Residence at NEA in 2001 and received NEAs Entrepreneurship Award. Prior to this, Guru spent more than 12 years at Washington University in St. Louis, where he was a Professor of Computer Science, Director of Applied Research Laboratory and the head of research and prototyping of high-performance networking and multimedia systems. Guru received his PhD in Computer Science from the University of Delaware in 1987. He is a recipient of the Alumni Outstanding Achievement award and the Frank A. Pehrson Graduate Student Achievement award. Guru Parulkar, Executive Director, Open Networking Research Center, Open Networking Lab Open source plays a crucial role in moving to a virtualized network architecture. By using open source software, service providers can increase efficiency and agility but reduce cost. There is a huge uptick in service provider interest in the open source process to build their own internal open source competencies, and learn how to operate in new ways. This course will look at how to make the shift from the traditional standards processes, how the open source process is tackling a new role of competing at the higher levels of the software stack and provide understanding in open source licensing and managing RD processes. Phil Robb, Senior Technical Director, OpenDaylight Phil Robb is a widely respected expert in the area of open source strategy, business impact and governance. He is a frequently speaker at international technology and business events and he has been consulted by policy makers, including the European Commission and the United States Department of Justice as well as numerous high-tech trade organizations. Prior to joining OpenDaylight, he was the director of HPs Open Source Program Office where he had responsibility for HPs corporate open source strategy, engagement with the open source community, oversight of the Open Source Review Board and a variety of software development projects. Phil was focused on open source at HP from 2001 through 2012. Prior to HP, he held senior management and technical positions at Critical Path, Fisher Scientific, Motorola and Honeywell-Bull focused on wireless and wire-line high speed telecommunications software and services. Phil Robb, Senior Technical Director, OpenDaylight Momentum behind open source is growing in the telecom industry, with industry initiatives such as OPNFV seeing robust participation from key vendors. They are taking a page from the IT world by leveraging a more agile, open and collaborative development process, in the hope of providing common building blocks that can be packaged and customized by individual companies. Ultimately, the aim is to reduce development cycle times and deliver new solutions, such as those needed to support NFV. This course will discuss the impact open source is having on NFV platforms and what it means for vendors and operators. Jim Fagan, Director, Cloud Practice, Telstra Jim Fagan leads the Cloud Practice at Telstra. Based in Hong Kong, Jim joined Telstra from Pacnet, where he held the position of President, Managed Services responsible for the overall financial management and pricing structure of the companys services division. Prior to Pacnet, Jim worked at Rackspace as Managing Director of Asia Pacific, overseeing the management, strategy and growth of the companys Asia Pacific operations. Jim brings with him more than 15 years experience in product and financial management. Jim Fagan, Director, Cloud Practice, Telstra Telecom embraced open source in its move to the cloud and has been increasingly active in the open source community as participants and contributors, even creating some of its own open source organizations to address telecom-specific issues. This course will cover how the process is working, what issues still need to be resolved and whether standards bodies are perhaps the better way forward for CSPs. Roz Roseboro, Senior Analyst, Heavy Reading Roz Roseboro has more than 20 years experience in market research, marketing and product management. Her research focuses on how innovation and change are impacting the compute, network and storage infrastructure domains within the data centers of telecom operators. She monitors trends such as how open source is impacting the development process for telecom, and how telco data centers are transforming to support SDN, NFV and cloud. Roz joined Heavy Reading following eight years at OSS Observer and Analysys Mason, where she most recently managed its Middle East and Africa regional program, and prior to that, its Infrastructure Solutions and Communications Service Provider programs. She spent five years at RHK, where she ran the Switching and Routing and Business Communication Services programs. Prior to becoming an analyst, she worked at Motorola on IT product development and radio and mobile phone product management. Roz holds a BA in English from the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, and an MBA in marketing, management, and international business from the J. L. Kellogg Graduate School of Management at Northwestern University. She is based in Chicago. Roz Roseboro, Senior Analyst, Heavy Reading Service providers and enterprises are moving away from proprietary purpose-built hardware to white box solutions, including servers and switches -- some using purpose-built software and others on open source software -- in order to seek greater efficiencies and new business opportunities. This course will cover the importance of open source software to the white box transformation and how virtualization and evolving standards will impact that transformation overall. Saikrishna Kotha, Global Infrastructure Architect, LinkedIn Saikrishna Kotha is currently responsible for leading the white box switching initiative at LinkedIn, Global Infrastructure Architecture and Strategy. He has 17 years of networking industry experience in product architecture and development. He has 11 issued and 17 pending patents in the field of SDNNFV and emerging networking technologies. His LinkedIn profile can be accessed at: linkedininsaikrishnakotha. He also moderates the 20K-member LinkedIn group Software Defined Networking (SDN): linkedingroups4359316 . Saikrishna Kotha, Global Infrastructure Architect, LinkedIn As service providers devote increasing resources to implementing NFV and SDN, Agile and DevOps have emerged as solutions to the work silos that were heavily utilized when developing traditional networks. Agile is still a very new way of approaching software development, and company culture and confusion over how to implement Agile have created barriers to using this process to its full potential. This course will explain how Agile methods emerged, the Agile Manifesto and 12 Principles, how companies are successfully implementing Agile, and more. This course prepares students for subsequent courses on Agile and DevOps. Kent J. McDonald, Product Owner, Agile Alliance Kent J. McDonald helps teams discover the right thing to deliver. His more than 20 years of experience include work in business analysis, strategic planning, project management and product development in a variety of industries including financial services, health insurance, nonprofit and automotive. As the founder of Knowledge Bridge Partners, he helps organizations figure out the right things to do in their IT and product development work. He currently practices those ideas as Product Owner for the Agile Alliance. Kent is author of Beyond Requirements: Analysis with an Agile Mindset and co-author of Stand Back and Deliver: Accelerating Business Agility . Kent J. McDonald, Product Owner, Agile Alliance Implementing Agile is no small feat, but it starts with taking a hard look at current company culture and identifying how that culture may affect adoption of Agile. Without a clear strategy and KPIs, implementation of Agile can easily devolve into an ineffective, confusing process. This course will explain common mistakes and cover the process of implementing Agile, from identifying company culture barriers, to making the business case, to the process behind building effective teams. Alan Bateman, Director, Agile Transformation Alan Bateman has had a long career in the IT and Telecoms industry working around the world with the majority of major players, leading multivendor collaborative transformational programs. Until 2012, Alan worked for BT, having led two of the companys seven enterprise programs, each having global teams in excess of 1,000 personnel and 10 supply partners. He delivered the first e2e Agile program in the company (Broadband) and six years later the biggest IT transformation, again using underlying Agile techniques. He now helps a number of companies transition to a more flexible, customer-centered methodology. Alan Bateman, Director, Agile Transformation DevOps is a popular alternative to traditional product development, and provides an open avenue for development and operations teams - network engineers, IT professionals, and product developers - to collaborate and bring products to market in more efficient, cost-effective ways. When implemented correctly, DevOps promises to speed product development and deployment, unite historically divergent teams, and provide a better framework for anticipating roadblocks and making quick course corrections. This course will explain what DevOps is, the benefits and challenges to implementing DevOps, why and how organizations interpret DevOps differently, and explore case studies of successful DevOps teams. Colin Kincaid, CTO, Service Provider, Cisco Colin Kincaid is responsible for articulating a vision for the evolution of the service provider business and defining a strategic plan to advance that vision through the Cisco Service Provider services, software and hardware portfolio. Prior to the CTO role, he led a product management team focused on addressing the needs of web and OTT customers. In his career at Cisco, Colin has led a number of high-impact initiatives, including leading international, cross-organizational development of service provider subscriber services for Ciscos mobile wireless strategy and hospitality broadband businesses, running the Professional Services and integration teams deploying software solutions in carrier network and OSSBSS environments, managing the development of Ciscos 10K switching platform from its inception and VPN security product development. Colin Kincaid, CTO, Service Provider, Cisco In order to implement DevOps, organizations need buy-in from executives, and a strategy for incorporating DevOps into traditional business operations. Identifying key performance metrics is key to presenting the business case for DevOps, keeping a check on progress, eliminating waste and boosting the bottom line. This course will explain how to secure support for DevOps implementation, avoid common pitfalls that arise in DevOps architecture, streamline processes, and more. Burt Klein, DevOps Strategist, Tech Mahindra Burt Klein is one of only a handful of DevOps transformation subject matter experts at Tech Mahindra. He is a key part of a small team which focuses on helping clients plan, educate and mentor staff members as well as working to create and improve existing processes to support the DevOps transformation. He joined Tech Mahindra from CA Technologies where he was the CTO and DevOps Evangelist within the Application Delivery business unit. His primary responsibilities at CA Technologies were to inform leading worldwide organizations and alliance partners on the value of DevOps within the software development lifecycle. Burt has been traveling the globe speaking to the revolutionary technology capabilities of service virtualization, release automation, test data management, test automation and release management and how they can positively impact an organizations ability to delivery applications with greater speed and increased quality while reducing cost and business risk. He is also responsible for sharing the success stories of countless early adopters and actively participating with executive-level steering committees that are focused on the large enterprises implementation of this new and exciting capability in the application economy. Burt Klein, DevOps Strategist, Tech Mahindra From next-generation passive optical networking (NG-PON) to fiber-to-the-home (FTTH) to DOCSIS 3.1 to G. fast, the advances in next-generation broadband technologies are complex and varied and dependent on providers and location. However, all have one thing in common and thats to deliver gigabit speeds to a data-hungry customer base. This course will give a high-level overview of the technology landscape, the challenges and the benefits of each technology, and prepares students for subsequent courses in our Gigabit module. Will Barkis, Senior Technology Analyst, Orange Will Barkis, PhD, runs the Smart Cities portfolio at Orange Silicon Valley and contributes to the Orange GigaStudio, a consumer apps program that benefits consumers with super-fast networks. He also serves as Volunteer Technology Advisor to the SF Mayors Office of Civic Innovation. He served as Director of Mozillas Gigabit Community Fund and has worked at the National Science Foundation, where he collaborated with the White House to launch the US Ignite next-generation apps initiative. Will Barkis, Senior Technology Analyst, Orange While the technology behind high-speed broadband networks is evolving rapidly, operators face challenges in not only determining the right architectures to support gigabit speeds, but also how to migrate from legacy infrastructure to newer equipment, and how to plan for future upgrades. This class will cover deployments, roadmaps for future technology development, and the best ways to manage ongoing network operations efficiently and cost effectively. Alan Breznick, CableVideo Practice Leader at Light Reading, will co-present this course. Robert Howald, Vice President, Network Architecture, Comcast Dr. Robert Howald has over 25 years of technology and executive experience in commercial and military communications systems. He is Vice President of Network Architecture at Comcast, focused on the evolution of cable systems and services, future network architectures, and emerging broadband technologies. He held a similar role at ARRIS and the former Motorola Mobility. Prior to this, Dr. Howald was the Vice President of Engineering at Xytrans, specializing in millimeter wave products for cellular backhaul, homeland security, and people screening. He was also the Director of Systems Engineering with General Instrument and Motorolas prior Broadband Communications Systems division. Robert Howald, Vice President, Network Architecture, Comcast The idea of a Smart City with gigabit broadband speeds for residents and businesses goes deeper than pure entertainment value. In fact, high-speed broadband promises to improve the services cities can offer their communities, from smarter power management and advanced educational opportunities to better transportation control and more effective emergency services. This course will cover smart city transformations underway today, what that transformation looks like from the network side and what the future holds as technology continues to evolve. Joe Kochan, COO Co-Founder, US Ignite Joe Kochan is responsible for day-to-day operations, finance and program management for the national non-profit organization US Ignite, based in DC. Prior to co-founding US Ignite, he worked as part of the Department of Commerces BTOP grant program. Prior to that role, he was a Founder and Vice President of Operations at DigitalBridge Communications (DBC), a Virginia-based startup backed by more than 40 million in venture funding dedicated to bringing broadband services to small, underserved markets nationwide using broadband wireless technology. Previously, Joe worked with Verizon, with responsibility for strategic planning and project management, specifically focusing on the military housing market and the implementation of the first Verizon FiOS networks at military bases across the country. Joe Kochan, COO Co-Founder, US Ignite The cable industry is ramping up to gigabit speeds with DOCSIS 3.1 deployments and cable providers are revealing their deployment plans, but there are pros and cons, including HFC network upgrades, splitting nodes, switching RF optics, OSS and lack of spectrum. This lecture will delve into DOCSIS 3.1 and where cable is headed with SDNNFV, software-based networking and other new technologies. Saifur Rahman, Distinguished Engineer at Comcast Cable, and Alan Breznick, CableVideo Practice Leader at Light Reading, will co-present this course. Ty Pearman, Director, Access Architecture, Comcast Ty Pearman is Director of Access Architecture for Comcast. As a 22-year veteran in the cable industry, Ty joined Comcast in 2005. Ty is currently focused on deploying converged services on CCAP platforms including supporting tools and processes surrounding the platform. Most recently, he has been involved in DOCSIS 3.1 deployments and developing and evaluating new distributed remote Phy and remote MACPhy architectures. Ty has also worked on a number of advanced video engineering initiatives within Comcast, including several of the industrys first ETV trials, all-digital video migration and NGOD (next generation on demand) programming technologies, including SDV. Prior to joining Comcast, Ty spent ten years in broadband Internet engineering positions, including serving as data network engineer for Charter Communications, a system engineer supporting the implementation of CMTSs for ADC Communications and Terayon, and as a member of the CableLabs technical staff, where he participated in developing DOCSIS. Ty Pearman, Director, Access Architecture, Comcast Artificial intelligence and machine learning, or when the software-defined networking (SDN) elements are able to intelligently move, adapt and control the network based on network data and status, are key elements in securing networks in a virtual world. This course will take a look at how securing a virtual network differs from securing a traditional network, and examines the fundamental technical and mindset changes service providers need to make as they prepare for virtualized networks. This course prepares students for subsequent courses on security. Rita Marty, Executive Director, Mobility and Cloud Security, Chief Security Office, ATT Marty is currently responsible for Mobility and Cloud Security in support ATTs transformation to software-enabled architecture. She has 15 years of experience and has held various positions in ATT. Marty is also responsible for developing the security architecture and framework for Mobility, Network Virtualization based on the User Defined Network (UDNC), and Emerging Services including Connected Car, Digital Life, U-Verse, etc. She served as a member of the CTO Technology Council that was chartered to provide technology thought leadership for ATT and the partner community that makes up ATT Technology Ecosystem. She led strategic initiatives to accelerate innovation through internal rapid development efforts and focused industry collaborations. Rita Marty, Executive Director, Mobility and Cloud Security, Chief Security Office, ATT As service providers become reliant on new virtualized network architectures, virtualization, fabrics and clouds, data centers have taken center stage as key elements in network transformation and are more important than ever before. This course looks at how data center security can evolve alongside network transformation and meet stringent security compliances and audits. Rasool Kareem Irfan, Head, Telecom Infrastructure Security Practice, Tata Communications Transformation Services Ltd (TCTS) M. Rasool Kareem Irfan is the Telecom Infrastructure Security Practice Head at Tata Communications Transformation Services Ltd (TCTS), a leading managed services provider specializing in network and business operations across telco lifecycle and consultancy business enablement services to global communication service providers (CSPs). He has led various global security and strategic consulting projects for CSPs. Irfan brings over a decade of experience in security consulting, security assessments, managed security security operations center, data center cloud services. He is a Certified Ethical Hacker and also holds global certifications in security industry, including ISOIEC 27001 lead auditor and multivendor certifications. As an evangelist and a prominent blogger in information security, Irfan works closely with reputed global telco forums and institutions. Rasool Kareem Irfan, Head, Telecom Infrastructure Security Practice, Tata Communications Transformation Services Ltd (TCTS) DDoS attacks have increased 40 over the last two years, according to research from KPMG, and the cost of a breach for a business can average 5 million in operating expenses and lost business, according to IDC. However, solutions are not one-size-fits-all and a mix of solutions must be considered. This class covers how businesses can adopt DDoS countermeasures and redesign their network topology to protect their assets. Gary Sockrider, Principal Security Technologist, Arbor Networks Gary Sockrider is an industry veteran bringing more than 25 years of broad technology experience ranging from network security to routing and switching, data center, mobility and collaboration. His previous roles include security SME, consultancy, customer support, IT and product management. He seeks to understand and convey the constantly evolving threat landscape, as well as the techniques and solutions that address the challenges they present. Prior to joining Arbor in 2012, Gary spent 12 years at Cisco Systems and held previous positions with Avaya and Cable Wireless. Gary Sockrider, Principal Security Technologist, Arbor Networks The most publicized sides of the open source and security argument -- more security risk due to the opennessless security risk because of the extra eyes on the code -- are not the main security issues to worry about when it comes to open source. Distribution can be vulnerable to malicious code patches can also introduce vulnerabilities tracking bugs in the code makes bugs more visible and some developer teams are better than others. This course will look at security and open source and tell both sides of the story. Nick Feamster, Acting Director, Center for Information Technology Policy, Princeton University Nick Feamster is a professor in the Computer Science Department at Princeton University and the Acting Director of the Princeton University Center for Information Technology Policy (CITP). Before joining the faculty at Princeton, he was a professor in the School of Computer Science at Georgia Tech. Ele recebeu seu Ph. D. in Computer science from MIT in 2005, and his S. B. and M. Eng. degrees in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from MIT in 2000 and 2001, respectively. His research focuses on many aspects of computer networking and networked systems, with a focus on network operations, network security, and censorship-resistant communication systems. In December 2008, he received the Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers (PECASE) for his contributions to cybersecurity, notably spam filtering. His honors include the Technology Review 35 Top Young Innovators Under 35 award, the ACM SIGCOMM Rising Star Award, a Sloan Research Fellowship, the NSF CAREER award, the IBM Faculty Fellowship, the IRTF Applied Networking Research Prize, and award papers at the SIGCOMM Internet Measurement Conference (measuring Web performance bottlenecks), SIGCOMM (network-level behavior of spammers), the NSDI conference (fault detection in router configuration), Usenix Security (circumventing web censorship using Infranet), and Usenix Security (web cookie analysis). Nick Feamster, Acting Director, Center for Information Technology Policy, Princeton University One of the core challenges service providers face in successfully implementing virtualization is MANO, or management and orchestration, which is the process of transitioning from legacy hardware to virtual machines and the strategic implementation of NFV architecture in the network. This course will cover the three functional blocks of MANO, strategies for integration with open APIs, best practices for utilizing key technologies in MANO and successful MANO case studies. Toby Ford, AVP, Cloud Technology, Strategy Planning, ATT Toby Ford leads technology efforts around ATTs cloud offerings both internally and externally focused. Currently, he is responsible for shepherding SDN and NFV projects onto ATTs Integrated Cloud (AIC) platform. Previously, Toby served as CTO for USi, which was acquired by ATT in 2006. He has held positions at Cornell University, ARINC, TeleCommunication Systems and his own company in the Netherlands. He has been a member of the OpenStack Board of Directors since its inception in 2012. Toby Ford, AVP, Cloud Technology, Strategy Planning, ATT Open source software is playing an increasingly active role in NFV MANO as service providers utilize the software to advance the interoperability of NFV architectures. This course covers the growing role of open source in NFV MANO, including use cases, and identifies how operators can successfully implement open source in their NFV strategies. James Crawshaw, Senior Analyst OSSBSS Transformation, Heavy Reading James Crawshaw is a contributing analyst to Heavy Readings Insider reports series. He has more than 15 years of experience as an analyst covering technology and telecom companies for investment banks and industry research firms. He previously worked as a fund manager and a management consultant in industry. James Crawshaw, Senior Analyst - OSSBSS Transformation, Heavy Reading Both NFV and SDN enable rapid innovation at the network and service level, by centralizing network control, automating security functions, speeding service deployment, improving traffic management and more. Yet as virtualization ramps up, service providers are seeking strategies around challenges like vendor selection, incorporation of open source software, and interoperability with legacy equipment. This course covers the core concepts of SDN, networks-as-a-service and network functions enabled by SDN, and explains how telcos can balance the need for increasing network agility with the bottom line. This course prepares students for subsequent courses on SDN. John Isch, Practice Director, Network Voice, Orange Business Services With more than 25 years in the telecom industry, Isch started his career at MCI Telecommunications (now Verizon) before moving in 2001 to Orange Business Services, a global integrator of communications solutions for multinational corporations. He has worked in various operations and presales technical capacities covering a wide array of data networking, voice and Internet solutions. He is well versed in networking technologies, including SDNNFV, SD WAN, IP, MPLS, SIP, among others. John Isch, Practice Director, Network Voice, Orange Business Services One core advantage of SDN is the ability to directly program the network, and quickly add applications on top of the SDN controller. Open source software is emerging as a viable alternative to proprietary automation tools, but telcos grapple with concerns over cost, security, standards and whether or not the software is carrier-grade. This course will cover open source opportunities for advancing SDN strategies, challenges to implementing open source, key open source projects for SDN, and how telcos are balancing open and proprietary solutions for SDN. Christopher W. Rice, Senior Vice President of ATT Labs, Domain 2.0 Architecture and Design Chris Rice, Senior Vice President of ATT Labs, Domain 2.0 Architecture and Design, is responsible for delivering the architecture and design of ATTs software-centric network. This transformation uses software-defined networking and network functions virtualization to deliver products and services to the customer. Prior to this role, Chris was the Vice President of ATT Labs, leading the research and advanced development for the software-centric network. Since joining ATT in 1995, Chris has contributed expertise and focus on wireless and broadband communication systems. He worked on satellite and broadband data communication systems. He also led development efforts for a digital radio-based, pico-cellular basestation, which provided in-building, mobile voice communication on standard cellular phones. Christopher W. Rice, Senior Vice President of ATT Labs, Domain 2.0 Architecture and Design The implementation of software-defined architectures in data centers gives operators the tools to not only run agile, virtualized networks but also to quickly adapt to new business requirements. Software-defined data centers (SDDC) provide virtualized resources on a larger scale and on an as-a-service model, enabling service providers and enterprises of varying sizes to advance their virtualization strategies. This course examines how service providers can boost automation, improve security, and lower opex with SDDCs and addresses the challenges of software-defined data centers for service providers. Paul Mason, Senior Global Solutions Architect, Equinix Paul Mason is a network and virtualization expert with more than ten years of experience. He began his career with Cisco, where he earned his CCIE in Route and Switch while he helped enterprises architect their global networks and data centers. He was an early expert in the Cisco Unified Compute System and worked with many Fortune 500 companies to deploy virtual data centers and private clouds. He recognized the shift the enterprise is making to the cloud and made his own shift to Equinix where he focuses on helping customers make the transition from legacy systems to cloud systems. Paul now advises his clients on the technical and business impact related to transitioning business to the cloud. Paul Mason, Senior Global Solutions Architect, Equinix In the early 2000s, interest in implementing IP and optical integration gradually waned over concerns surrounding vendor lock-in, the threat of reduced network capacity, and an inflexible photonic layer. Today, SDN shows real promise in supporting IP and optical integration by enabling management and control across multiple layers. This course will cover past challenges to IP and optical integration, how SDN enables this integration, and benefits like increased network efficiency and better bandwidth provisioning. Sterling Perrin, Senior Analyst, Heavy Reading Sterling Perrin has more than 15 years experience in telecommunications as an industry analyst and journalist. His coverage areas at Heavy Reading include optical networking, cable MSO infrastructure and services, and digital content. He also authors Heavy Readings Packet-Enabled Optical Networking Quarterly Market Tracker . a special quarterly research service. Perrin joined Heavy Reading after five years at IDC, where he served as lead optical networks analyst, responsible for the firms optical networking subscription research and custom consulting activities. Prior to IDC, Perrin worked for Standard Poors, where he delivered global industry analysis on a range of IT segments. He is a former journalist and editor at Telecommunications Magazine, and has also done consulting work for the research firm Current Analysis. Perrin is a frequent speaker at telecom industry events and is a highly sought-after source among the business and trade press. HIDE Sterling Perrin, Senior Analyst, Heavy ReadingI had no idea what to expect when my husband and I went to Seminar 1 but I thought for 100 we cant go wrong and I would just keep my mouth shut and support my husband since he was the one who originally heard about it and wanted to go. When we walked into the large room at the hotel we checked in and received a book to help follow along and take notes in. We found some coffee, a muffin and a seat. While we waited for it to start we enjoyed the Christian music playing. The 2-day Seminar began with why we need to manage our own money, the importance of time freedom, how wealth is created and why being an entrepreneur should be sought. We went on to learn the basics of the stock market, how it works, why it works and its lingo. During the rest of the seminar they continued with a basic course on swing trading. There were a lot of breaks throughout the days and a long lunch break each day, which we happened to spend in the parking lot sitting on the curb eating our peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. Well at least until a very kind man took us to lunch the 2 nd day. You can read more about that in my people you meet along the journey post . So about one-third was teaching, a third was breaks and the other third of the time was spent selling other products. My husband and I began to be very turned off by this and the price tags. Call us nave (I know we were) but we thought we would go and learn for 100 how to make a bunch of money and thats that. That was not that. We found out there was thousands more to pay to learn even more. Oh and it wasnt as simple as here is the product and here is the price. It was here is the product and here is the price, but wait how about we knock off a few thousand and while were at it lets knock off some more and you know what, well throw this in too. We were completely blind sided but if you decide to go youll be expecting it after reading this and I think that alone will make it less irritating. We had no previous background in the stock market and they did a great job at breaking it down to a most basic level and went at a speed we could easily follow. By the end of the two days we thought we could really do this and be good at it. I mean they showed us how EASY it is. Piece of cake and if we join the Insiders they will practically do it all for us. Theyll pick the stocks and evaluate the market as a whole for us. This is so easy we can do this even while we work other jobs. We can turn our 500 (and that is literally all we had) into 20,000 in a few short months We were so excited but even in our excitement we knew we needed to not buy anything and instead take some time to pray and seek God. That is exactly what we did. You can find out what we did after this by reading the rest of the story on my how we got started page or read my review on Seminar 2. It only took us about 6 months to realize that those impressions we had were not reality. It was not easy, they dont do it all for you, we didn8217t turn our 500 into 20,000 and the only way to succeed in the stock market is to work your tail off. Study, look through charts, learn, learn, learn and be extremely disciplined. I wondered how we had gotten such a different impression than reality. Did we just not understand something they were telling us I still dont know but what I do know is no, NeUventure on Wall Street isnt a scam and yes, they really do care about us and our success but could they have been a little a lot more upfront with us about the hard work and dedication it would take Definitely Before you go to Seminar 1 make sure you check out my Top 10 things to know before attending Seminar 1 post. To hear other8217s opinions of NVOWS and whether or not they are successful check out the 8216featured traders 8216 tab at the top of the page. Update: After trading for 3 years I have put together a list of a few things I wish I had known when I started trading. I hope it can be helpful to someone else getting started. Share this: Are you seriously telling me that by the end of Seminar 1 you could make 20K without doing any research on your own don8217t get me wrong but it is a seminar, it is not a class, they give you the basics, you of course have to watch the charts and the market, if you don8217t do that, how can you know about the companies you are going to invest I also attended seminar 1 and by the end of it I also signed up to Insiders and bought the software for 29 and enrolled into EOption, it8217s not HARD at all. You have to put time in it. It8217s your business you have to treat it as a business. Dedication, time and effort will give profits. Also it was 99 for 2 people, so technically 50 a person, NOT BAD AT ALL. all the upsells are at your choice, you don8217t have to buy anything else in order to succeed, you just need some motivation and do research on your own. Hi Aldana and thank you for taking the time to leave your feedback. I love 8216meeting8217 other NVOWS traders. I agree with you on many points. You do have to do your own research and it does indeed take dedication, time and effort. I stress that throughout my entire blog. As I mentioned my first impressions were a bit off. Remember everyones Seminar 1 experience will be different based on that individuals expectations and past and the actual presenter. I8217ve been to several Seminar ones since and each has been different based on who is teaching and I8217ve also noticed that more recently NVOWS seems to be stressing a bit more than they used to years ago the dedication it takes to be successful. I agree with you also that 99 is not a bad price and say as much in my opening paragraph and you are absolutely right that opening an EOption account and joining Insiders is easy. I just really appreciate you sharing I think it helps everyone who stops by to hear from other NVOWS traders besides just me. If you have a minute please take the time to share more of your stock trading journey. It8217s always encouraging to hear from other traders whose 8216dedication, time and effort8217 gave you profits as you menitoned above. Happy Trading eoption has free (good) training under 8220education and tools8221. Many lessons. Also an options trial area you can use without risking actual money. I didn8217t take Sem2 but learned options free and completed their trading questionaire with help from customer service so I was approved 1st for simple calls and puts. Hi, I have been to the first seminar and I am disappointed in their approach. The fact is that the average person who attends is looking to make more money and get out of debt. Yes, the first seminar is 99.00, but, the second seminar is almost 6,000.00. And, they fail to tell you that at a Seminar 1. In order to get started and be successful you really need to be a top gun and the cost is 11,000.00. Also you really need about 5,000.00 in your trading account to get up and running. That is a cost of 16,000.00. The reality of this is that I don8217t have that kind of money and I would venture to say neither do 99 percent of those in attendance. They should be more up front about this. How about teaching people God8217s people how to get started which is without a doubt the most difficult part. David Mitchell is a wealthy pastor who most likely doesn8217t need the money he makes from this company. Plainly, the market they are targeting needs more help than they offer. The speakers are not traders, they are motivational speakers and that8217s it. They are paid to tell you the basics of how things work in the market with some basic strategies and sell you products. Their Newsletter among other ridiculous products can be found by other mentors who have a proven track record at a fraction of the cost. The Perfect Play is NOT something David came up with. It8217s used as a strategy by all trading professionals who know how to use it and what to look for. It8217s just a basic gap UP or gap Down play. It would be ridiculous to pay for eOption when you can get a platform like ThinkorSwim and they do ALL of the work for you as far as graphing, calculating the best Delta for an option, etc. The use of a spreadsheet to find the best option contract is painstakingly slow and no trader who is a professional would use it. thank you for the list of books that you display to help one get started on journey with learning how to trade I forget (only due to how early in the morning he comes on) to watch cramer I8217m glad you have found the book list helpful Janne. I also have another resource that happens to be free that I will email you the information on. Look forward to hearing how your trading journey unfolds. Thanks for commenting. Unlike the typical stock market beginner that NVOWS typically caters to, I have been trading stocks, options, and futures for almost two decades and have looked at dozens of trading systems of all types (day-trading, swing-trading, etc.), including NVOWS. I attended Seminar 1 a couple of years ago, and will offer the following thoughts: 1. Much of the above is a fair assessment of Seminar 18217s structure 8211 the seminar can roughly be divided into four parts: Financial Freedom and Independence, the BigBad Wolves of Wall Street, some (very) Introductory Stock Market Concepts and Beginner8217s Technical Trading, and finally a series of sales pitches for their 8220advanced8221 training and systems. 2. Any investment or trading system or company should be judged on the merits of its performance history of the long-term (at least 5 years, at a minimum) which should not only show the real-world results, but also the range of results experienced by MOST of their studentscustomers. Most purveyors of trading systems cannot provide you with such an in-depth history and there are actually a precious few that do. However, NVOWS is not one of them. In fact, I personally asked David Mitchell if they published the results of their students (or at least a running tally of their recommendations), and he said that they did not (I recall that his explanation for that was rather weak). 3. Success Stories 8211 Most of the NVOWS 8220Daily Word on Investing8221 radio 8220shows8221 are thinly-veiled infomercials I hear almost daily on Christian radio in the Dallas area. If you8217ll notice, they repeat the same two or three success stories over and over such as the grandmother or the 18 year-old girl who made four figures her first month (or something to that effect). Even those stories illustrate only a very short window of success never addressing how those people have done over the long term. The few people who have 8220fired their boss8221 to trade with NVOWS are mostly working for NVOWS as trainers and seminar leaders. So a fair question becomes, 8220How much of their actual income is made from trading vs. selling the system8221. So far, I haven8217t seen On that note, a time-tested principal to keep in mind about trading systems is: 8220If it8217s any good, they wouldn8217t be selling it8221. 4. David Mitchell doesn8217t have any Wall Street 8220secrets82218230period. As many other comments have pointed out on this and the Kestrel review, virtually all of the NVOWS knowledge and training can be obtained from other more reliable and affordable sources. Mitchell has basically repackaged publicly available information (much of which is essentially free), and is providing it in a seminar course format at an obscenely high price. There8217s certainly nothing illegal about that though some might consider it unethical to take such advantage of the lesser informed. 5. On that note above, I don8217t believe there is any enforceable action that the SEC or investment authority could take against NVOWS. They are selling an education course not an investment. This is not a security. They are offering to teach you in exchange for money they are not taking your money and putting it into any sort of investment with the expectation of a return. Naturally, they are quick to disclaim that no specific results are guaranteed (and rightly so). Of course, any good salesman will naturally talk more about the successful ones no matter how few they may be. 6. There was one set of 8220secrets8221 that David Mitchell talked about in Day 1 of the seminar to which I will point my finger in accusation of being an outright fabrication and that is, the claim that Bill Gates, Michael Dell, and many other notable billionaires made more of their fortune trading stocks than from building their companies. That, ladies and gentleman, is an outright lie. To insinuate that Bill Gates made most of his billions using similar trading strategies as taught by NVOWS is not only grossly misleading to the financially ignorant, it is also ridiculously absurd to the point of being hilarious. When he said that in the first day of Seminar 1, I nearly laughed out loud (and probably would have had I not been dumbfounded in shocking disbelief). No, Bill Gates and crowd made their billions by growing an entrepreneurial opportunity into publicly traded companies in which they owned millions and millions of shares. To mentally picture Bill Gates sitting in his basement looking at Support and Resistance on a stock trading chart still makes me chuckle8230 7. Like many others have commented (and any real trader can tell you), trading is hard work there is no getting around it. I8217ve talked at length with more than a handful of 8220real8221 traders guys who have spent the last couple of decades disciplining themselves with super-human levels of focus forging themselves into nearly emotionless trading computers walking around on two legs. These are guys that trade the e-Mini, front-month WTI or Brent Crude, and individual stocks sometimes making or losing nearly 100,000 in a day. Granted, that kind of action doesn8217t happen on most days. In fact, not only is trading a full-time endeavor and very hard work when done correctly, it is also usually pretty boring (the self-discipline you MUST have makes it so). Don8217t get me wrong, there is certainly the possible upside of making near limitless amounts of money but the glitz and glamour so often portrayed by the hucksters pushing their 8220system8221 is almost never the case. I8217m certain I8217ve had many other thoughts and observations about NVOWS (and trading in general), but that8217s all I can think of off the top of my head and hopefully this will be of help to someone who is just getting familiar with this domain. Thank you for taking the time to share your honest thorough thoughts on NVOWS Seminar 1. I think they will be helpful to many. You8217re quite welcome. I forgot to add one last thought on my original post: 8. Individual trading has limited scalability 8211 even if you get really good at it (and a few people can), you can make a good living and maybe even make millions. However, unless you are part of a larger trading firm or pool of capital and technology (like one of the big banks or hedge funds) your results are limited to what you can do on your own. There is certainly nothing wrong with that, but you won8217t find any technical traders on the Forbes 400 list. The folks who make the really big, world-changing amounts of money (hundreds of millions, and billions) do so by creating or building something (usually from scratch). Take the Forbes 400 list, remove those who are on there only because of inheritances and the self-made successes who are left almost always built their wealth by creating and building something from the ground up. The lesson here is two-fold: great wealth comes from Creation (aka Innovation) and Concentration (not diversification). In other words, the vast majority of their wealth came from that ONE amazing thing that they CREATED. Great advise and personal knowledge shared Cash V. I know from personal experience that your every word is true. I8217ve taken seminars, read books, studied charts, researched businesses I8217ve invested in and have come to one conclusion. Getting rich by investing in stocks is a rich man game. There are many other resources needed to be successful that is not available to the lone individual. Such resources has spurred many to resort to 8220Insider trading8221 an illegal activity. There are ethical and legal issues. Before you slumber on your rights, contact an attorney. Best I have heard their radio announcements on Christian radio for the last few years. I am a seasoned trader and the only thing I would find of interest would be their investor8217s club where they call the trades. Since they do not publish the performance of this club then how can I trust that it is worth the thousands of dollars they are charging. There are plenty of stock newsletters that pick stocks for you and the good ones show their past performance. I would happily pay 10K (I have heard) if their performance is out of this world good. They say they use 3 things to ensure a successful trade: 1. fundamentals of the company 2. tech analysis 3. overall market conditions. This seems correct 8211 however, if they do not publish their results then how can we trust these guys I do not even want to waste my time going to the first seminar but would join the investors club if they are all they claim to be and will call the trades for you. quick edit 8211 they call it the Insiders club not the investors club George, you are SO right Plus, (1) insider trading is illegal so I8217m sure con men like David Mitchell are very careful not get caught with real insider info, and (2) this blog is purportedly run by a Christian woman who wouldn8217t want to 8220cheat8221 if she is a Biblical Christian. The bottom line is that markets have already priced in all the non-illegal and some illegal insider knowledge into the prices if efficient market theory is true. While there may be some pricing irrationality for periods of time, you cannot make a living or a retirement nest egg on that info unless you8217re skirting the edge of legality. Or, unless you8217re a snake of a hedge fund trader like Jim 8220Mad Money8221 Cramer who has admitted publicly lying about information and trading privately in the other direction. Nobody can beat the market consistently over a 20-30 year investment horizon due to transaction costs and the timeeffort expenditure. Modern Portfolio Theory has a scientific basis for long term investing. Day trading, swing trading, and other short term trading schemes sold by charlatans like David Mitchell make me ill, particularly when they claim to be 8220Christians.8221 Thank God he will some day set the scales of justice right. I just hope the poor people he8217s swindling are reading these blog comments and discovering the truth. Absolutely 100 not true. I know these people very well. I have traded with them successfully for over a year. I am Christian who holds other Christians to high standards and can tell you they are legit. I don8217t care for their selling techniques or their prices, but they do nothing unChristian or immoral. Trading is VERY hard work. Just because it is not for you does not mean others cannot benefit from it. You make a couple of good points, but I think you miss the big picture. NVOWs is not for the experienced trader, it is for those who have never tried it. BTW, how would NVOWs know how successful their traders are I don8217t share that with them and I don8217t know of any other students who do. I went to Seminar I knowing more about the stock market than the presenters and I was pretty turned off. I had done some trading a few years ago with Interactive Brokers and Esignal and know all the technical stuff. However, my experience told me that, with all the info on the web, you could get all the facts and still not know what to do with them. For example, a call option costs much less than the stock and makes money when the stock goes up, but which of the hundreds of call options available for that stock do you buy and why Nothing on web will tell you that. A credit spread is a vertical spread of either call options or put options, but how do you trade them What spread do you chose Exactly which strikes and why Not on the web either. A friend of mine, a 70 year old lady with no experience, bought Top Gun. She needed help navigating the software, but she is doing quite well trading their stategies. I bought Top Gun and called the coaches daily for 6 months. I have been trading credit spreads without a loss for the past 4 months. I know the risks and pick my trades carefully and manage them in real time. NVOWS selling technique IS very aggressive and most of their products are over priced. But, their Top Gun package was worth it for me. does anyone have any insight into the insiders club from what they call the top gun group Are they really calling all of the trades and is there performance above the market I8217m sorry George it took me a few days longer to write back than usual. 8220Insiders8221 and 8220Top Gun8221 are seperate. Top Gun is just what they call the traders who have bought all 4 seminars and the entity seminar. It is about 12-15k depending on if you pay cash or finance it. Of course they start by saying it8217s a much higher value maybe around 40k value and then they work it down to 12-15k. Insiders on the other hand is something that anyone can subscribe to. It8217s 50 per month and includes access to several parts of their NVOWS website including the tutorials on how to do anything from setting up a brokerage account, placing a trade, etc. The 8220Insiders8221 also gives one access to David Mitchells list of the top 50-100 most fundamentally sound stocks which he gets from the IBD ratings along with DM telechart settings that can be downloaded every 1-2 weeks that include all his watchlists and lines he8217s drawn. Coaching is also included with Insiders. Coaches are available Monday-Thursday during normal business hours although it8217s much harder to get a coach right away now a days compared to a few years ago when there were less Insiders. They also post every now and then the list of stocks they think are at good buy points or approaching good buy points and what pattern they think they are in. Oh and I almost forgot they send out what they call 8220Market Alert8221 emails most days and sometimes multiple times a day giving a market overview and making one aware of any news or reports that could move the market. David Mitchell also posts a weekly article on the Insiders site giving a detailed overview of Market tone for the past week. As you can see I don8217t think the point of the Insiders is to call of the trades but to equip one with the tools to start to recognize they8217re own trades and patterns and to be able to start to gage market tone on their own. I personally cancelled my Insiders after about 3 years for many reasons but one being that it was no longer very helpful and sometimes confusing and the stock picks are like most in that they are right about as much as they are wrong. Same thing I8217ve experienced with just about any stock picker I8217ve used. Espero que responda às suas perguntas. Let me know if you have others or if I need to clarify something. I8217m not a top gun but I am an insider with one ridiculously good play I did based on the Insider list of suggested trades. Last spring (February) David had Key as a cup and handle. I was new to options and checked the chain and found a contract below the money for .14 I believe (I couldn8217t get back in history beyond 6 months). I invested about 2,500 and within less than a week, if I remember correctly, the option was worth about .45-.48 and we had made over 7,000 on 2500. My mouth is still hanging open. The specifics are available in market history. This was very unusual and I8217ve gone my own way an had greedy losses (and some other pretty nice gains) but I do believe, in an orderly market and following David8217s methods 8211 very good money can be made. Thank you for leaving your feedback Don. I was also in that play on KEY but had invested less so I made less. That was a fun one. ) They are not a stock picking service. They train you how to trade on your own. Top Gun is an educational service that comes with real time coaching, a 10 trade stock webinar to show you how they their strategies work, and a weekly coaching webinar where you can ask questions about trading techniques. I just found your blogs. Thank you for your blogs. Very informative, realistic, practical and helpful. My lovely wife (Elisa Park) and myself would like to 8220subscribe8221 (if possible) to your blog RE: NVOWS. We have both recently joined NVOWS, and we are looking for practical ways to success by God8217s Grace - one step at a time and encouraging ourselves in the Lord each step of the way We look forward to work hard and build a solid foundation. I believe your blogs can help us in this process We look forward to hearing from you. Please consider this my 8220subscription8221 request to your blog. 2 Corinthians 4 (NKJV) 6 For it is the God who commanded light to shine out of darkness, who has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ. 7 But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellence of the power may be of God and not of us. Pastor Brown 8211 tread carefully. In my experience companies like NVOWS prey on the uninformed and cannot prove a consistent track record of success. The fees NVOWS charges to get their 8220insider information8221 are exorbitant. You can get the same coaching and more accurate information for a much better rate from credible ministries like Dave Ramsey. I live in the Dallas area and would be happy to talk to you by phone or meet in person to answer questions you have 8211 at no charge. That is horrible to hear that nvows is actually preying on Christians. I would join their insiders club if the investment paid off but it does not seem like anyone knows. In reading this blog maybe only the people working for nvows are making money. I would gladly share my picks with fellow believers for free somewhere where Christians could congregate together in an investment club of sorts. I have done very well in the market and follow a low risk approach. At the end of the day, if nvows is having people pick stocks then they should publish their performance. The market continues to make highs and i have 2 stocks that I continue to be bearish on and that is GPRO and LOCO. I make a bearish bet on these two whenever I see that they have a high up day. Long ideas are around MU and GILD. What NVOWS is doing is not illegal, nor would it bother me if a non-believer was engaging in these sorts of business practices. NVOWS advertises prolifically on KWRD Christian Talk Radio in Dallas where David Mitchell talks about his 8220fourth generation family business8221 and his self-ascribed moniker as 8220mentor to millionaires8221 to establish his credibility. I8217m sure he believes he8217s doing a good service to all the uninformed Christian investors who are looking for guidance. The concern I have is when I heard the fees they were charging for their advice, it blew me away. I haven8217t found confirmation in this blog yet about the 40k price tag for their 8220insider8221 group which is called 8220Top Gun8221 but if that is the case this is a blatant rip-off. There is plenty of research proving that NOBODY can beat the market consistently over time. You8217d be better off putting your 40k in an index fund in a normal business cycle economy. However, with the US national debt bubble at 18 trillion and growing and the Fed printing money like crazy with their 8220quantitative easing8221 there is probably no safe place to be when the dollar bubble pops. Maybe Mitchell will advise his clients to get out of stocks before the bottom falls out. I hope so for all the believers that believe him. Yes David Mitchell is very concerned about the high dept and the bottom falling out and has advised for quite some time now (too long if you ask me - 3 years) that it may be time to get your money into cash in your mutual funds before the bottom falls out or at least the impending bear comes. To clarify, Top Gun is for all 4 seminars they offer and their entity seminar and it is about 12-15k. Insiders is something separate you can join that is an ongoing 50 a month and includes all kinds of things like coaching, market alert emails, stock picks, DM telechart settings, a weekly market tone article, tutorials, etc. I think I will be doing a post shorly on Insiders because of the questions people have about it. Yes the training is very expensive and can be learned on ones own it would just take more time to weed through all the information and find the stuff that works. If someone have the time and determination I would definately recommend they save the money and figure it out on their own through internet, books and best case scenerio a successful mentor. Dennis you wrote, 8220nobody can beat the market consistently over a 20-30 year investment horizon due to transaction costs and the timeeffort expenditure.8221 It sounds like George is doing well in the markets and several others have even without illegal insider trading practices. Perhaps if you get the chance you could read Stock Market Wizards. While it is extremely hard to succeed it is possible for a minority even without doing anything illegally. I just don8217t want you to 100 bash NVOWS or say they are preying on people when you have never been to a seminar or met their founder or coaches or heard their hearts or training. While I agree with some of what you8217ve said around this blog, you aren8217t speaking from 100 experience on this subject because it sounds like you haven8217t traded or even worked with NVOWS at all. It isn8217t fair to compare Dave Ramsey8217s teaching to David Mitchell8217s because they aren8217t teaching on the same subject at all. Ramsey focuses on helping people get out of debt and change certain attitudes about money. Mitchell teaches how to trade. It8217s like comparing apples to ceiling fans. I think it8217s nice that you are cautioning Vance but at the same time he has already made the investment in the training and the money is already spent so he might as well give it his absolute all and see what God has in store for him. Perhaps Vance might be part of that small minority that makes it. I can tell Dennis that you have a love for people and helping them and that is why you are taking the time to comment around the blog. Thank you for caring for others. Thanks Trader for the clarification on what the insiders club is and is not. 50month is not a bad deal if you just want some trade ideas. However, I tend to respect the groups that make their calls and list their performance. I think you can beat index funds depending on the year. The 30 gain for the SampP last year is hard to beat so you would have been better off buying the index and forgetting about it however, how are you to know in January that you should put your money in an index and walk away for a year. My crystal ball just is not that good. I trade on my own and only some of my positions are in index funds due to some of the methodolgy that NVOWS seems to teach on their infomercials. Warren Buffet did not make it big with a basket of stocks nor do any of the top activist investors 8230 and an index is a basket of stocks where the top 10 account for all of your wins and the bottom 90 bring down your total YOY return. The good thing of being a safe trader is that when the monthsyears come for suboptimal performance you will actually make money instead of losing it. Also, in a sideways market, calling your own shots can give you a 15 return while the market (dividends removed) essentially went sideways. When we had the October correction this year and the SampP was essentially as 0 return for the whole year from Jan2014 to October I was up near 20. Again though, it is hard to argue with what the nasdaq and sampP did in 2013. I like the idea of Christians helping Christians. I currently pay for ideas from several investment clubs and they actually release their performance so I was hoping for something similar here. I am not trying to bash NVOWS at all but really looking to peel the onion back and find out the truth of what they offer. it does feel a bit like preying on people to me if they are charging you 15K just to learn how to spot good stocks. If they followed that up with a select inside group of trade calls that consistently returned 500bps more than the market then you have a product in NVOWS to be proud of. I could recommend a good investment newsletter that costs 300year and has great performance and will teach you to trade. George I really like what you said, 8220I am not trying to bash NVOWS at all but really looking to peel the onion back and find out the truth of what they offer.8221 That is one of the main reasons I started this blog and why I think it8217s so great and important that we are all talking about it and peeling back the truth and experiences of many so more can make educated decisions without the hype. As far as I know they don8217t offer a consistent stock picker and post performance. I honestly think they really want their students to succeed but it seems that few do or at least I haven8217t been able to find manyany but I8217m hoping through this blog to find some. Do you or anyone know what the real statistics of success with Neuventure are I guess there are now close to 15,000 Top Guns in the Company. There must be an estimate somewhere TX David you ask the question everyone is wanting to know and no one seems to know. That is one of the reasons I created this blog. We need a place where we can all connect and talk and get an honest look at how others are doing. If you find out anything please comment on here or send me an email. I wish I had the answer but I don8217t and it seems impossible to track almost because first you8217d have to define success. Is being profitable for a month successful No way. How about a year I would venture to say one wouldn8217t even know after a year if they will be successful long term. Its sad that these Christian radio shows advertises such false ads and prey of fellow Christians8230 While it would be interesting to know how the TopGunners are doing, you likely well not get that information. I, too, attended Seminar I. I thought is was an ok venue, but I walked into it knowing that all that will be introduced is rolling stocks and advertisements. I will say that they offer AMAZING discounts for active military8230or at least they did at the time I went. That is what attracted me the most to the product. They start at the 40k package deal and work it down to 10-11k. With a military discount, that 8216final8217 price is sliced in about half. I was a bone-head and paid the 4k for another company8217s gig. The 4k course I took went into much more depth than NVOWS, but the storyline was the same. High priced, high pressure sales. It8217s all about Lessons Learned. What I would like to know is how is the 8216average8217 person doing in terms of an ROI Said another way, if you are an average person working a normal job, juggling the normal things in life so you don8217t have the time to make trading a full time job, can you make a decent ROI with say 2k starter money and hit a break-even point quickly I am not asking for easy and quick, I just want to know that the rule set will work. I would like to break even on the upfront investment and then eventually make some money. Any thoughts out there on that Thanx. Thanks for commenting and asking the question we all want the answer to. Much of the reason I started this blog was to give everyone an open and honest platform to try to get that answer. Have I found that answer yet No I haven8217t but I continue to pursue and search. I have met 2 successful people through this blog8230strangely though neither trade with NVOWS. That8217s all I know right now but I will keep searching and hopefully more and more people will come out of wood work to share their experiences. Trader Thanx. You8217ve met two successful folks. That is interesting8230only two. I have to believe that the systems these companies sell do actually work. My issue is that I cannot pay attention to the trades all day long. My regular job does not support that kind of attention. I have the two data points from two different companies. NVOWS and the 8216other8217 that I won8217t mention because I don8217t want to toss anyone under the bus and quite honestly, I learned a tremendous amount in both seminars. NVOWS is priced much more reasonably though. Thanks for starting the blog and I am interested to see who joins and shares their story. Cheers, LL. Good to hear from you LL. Please keep us posted on how trading goes for you. I know it8217s so hard to trade while working another job. I hope it8217s going great for you though Let me make it simple. When I was a kid I attended a fair at which was a booth with a guy showing the coolest card tricks with his deck of cards 8211 he made it look all SO EASY8230. Naturally as a 10 8211 12yo boy, I was excited to try and laid down my 1 8211 2 for a deck of cards Needless to say after a few tries those cards fell to dis-use8230. I would suggest that NeuVenture is simply a carnival barker 8211 working and up-selling you with what are various well known stock investing approaches. I grant there is a LOT to learn. So how much is that time of yours worth And there will always be risk. What else is God calling you to do Bottom line 8211 go where God calls you to go. I too am a Christian and was recommended by a friend of mine to check out nvows over 5 years ago. I had been investing in stocks for the past 15 years but never really had much success at it so I decided that maybe some formal training would help. I live in Katy, Tx so at the first opportunity I could I attended Seminar I where David Huber had me all excited about how easy it is to make money and how he was able to pay off his college debt in a matter of a few years. I had my doubts because I asked him a question regarding a wash sale and he said he had never heard of that but would find out. hmmm, that should have been a red flag. But he continued to tell us how elite it is to be accepted as a Top Gun student and that only a few of us would be selected. If you wanted to get in though we all had a write a full page paper on why we thought we should be accepted into the elite group. How deceitful There were a total of ten of us who paid and became Top Gun. Of course after spending 11,000 for Top Gun, 4,000 for The Perfect Play, and then the 12,000 for the Paradise in Hawaii after one year I had not made a profit in the market. I would call in and speak with someone as to what I did wrong with a particular trade and get the same response, well, you did the play right but I cant tell you why it didnt work. After studying and working my butt off for the past 5 years I have finally started making it work for me. But it wasnt easy. I read several book on Jesse Livermore and if he could do it then I should be able to. He did go broke several times but learned from his mistakes. I can honestly say that I have done the same thing. I8217m always learning. I have read every book by William O8217Neil and I subscribe to his IBD to give me a heads up on what the markets are doing. Mostly, I regret the money that I invested in NeuVenture and feel like I was taken advantage of. There are so many other places that offer the same information but at a cheaper price. So I want to share my knowledge with other Christians who want to learn how to invest so that they dont get taken advantage of. Seminar I-IV do actually teach you something but if they cut out the breaks and time spent on selling products then each seminar could be covered in a single day. Some of Davids tactics are okay but there are several things that he does not teach that are important. He also advocates the Reverse amp Hold rule when a credit trade goes against you which should only be done with certain criteria. There are better ways to protect your investment than to buy back the option you sold and keep the one that you bought. The fact that he encourages to use a platform like eOption and TeleChart only adds to his exploitation and disregard for peoples finances. Using their Excel sheet to find the correct options chain is ridiculous and time consuming. I would much rather pay a little higher premium for something like ThinkOrSwim to find the options contract that I want by giving me all of the Greeks instantly than to spend the time on the Excel sheet. Find yourself a mentor who actually makes a living trading and learn from that person as much as you can. My mentor was John Carter and I have invested quite a bit of money learning from him. I have my own business, globalsysintserv and am sending you this email from India since I am here currently on a small project. I will be back next month. It was only because of my business that I was able to afford Davids high cost of training. I feel really bad for those families who are on a really tight budget that spent that kind of money. For the past year I have been developing a new website to help others to trade successfully at an affordable price. I do NOT want to see other people, especially Christians, be taken advantage of and have their hard earned money taken from them from someone who claims to be a Christian but practically robs them of their money. This website will become active within the next month or two. My goal is to get this website up and running and allow people within a geographical area to express interest in a specific seminar and if there were at least 20 people interested then I would fly my personal plane to that area and give them the seminar. This way is much more feasible for people who want to learn but cannot afford Davids high prices or to travel to a specific area. My seminars (I, II, amp III) offer much more and specific trades than what David teaches and cost only a fraction of what he charges. The seminars are broken into basic stock trading, options and spreads but you DO NOT need to have taken the first two seminars to take Seminar III. Im also working on a Seminar IV which goes more into details about specific calculations for support and resistance levels and how the are important to prices and writing covered calls. This is a level that David doesnt teach. These seminars can be attended in any order. I do not plagiarize anything that David teaches. My presentations are original and from my own experiences and knowledge with a well written and documented book. Feel free to contact me if anyone is interested. I can offer a one on one course if in the local area. If there are several people interested then give me a call and we can set something up. Obrigado. Tod Strickland Global Systems Integration Services, LLC (281) 989-2133 Todd 8211 thanks. I still hear this NVOWS add everyday on Christian radio. I don8217t see how David and his company have the best of intentions for fellow Christians. Who has 8220fired hisher boss8221 and does not work for David8217s company You can take all of the courses you like, you can study the market all you like, fundamental analysis, technical analysis and momentum analysis 8230. all of that can be done correctly 8211 and you still lose on a trade. You are better off going with an investing newsletter that tells you what to buy and what to sell and when OK, I have replied to some of the posts and will tell you what I think overall. My wife and I have been Top Guns for over a year and do not regret one day of it. We are not wealthy by any means. 1. NVOWs is NOT a company that takes advantage of people. PERÍODO. I am 63 and have experience with those who do and David Mitchell is no phoney. 2. Can you make money consistently from Seminar I Probably not. Seminar I, unfortunately, is a sales seminar that paints a VERY rosy picture. That is unfortunate, but all sales organizations do. 3. Is this for the experienced trader 8211 a big NO. NVOWS spends a lot of time teaching the basics because they are targeting those with NO experience. 4. Is this for the casual trader I can8217t really say. I couldn8217t do this part time. But then, I couldn8217t go to school part time either. For me to 8220get it8221 I have to be doing it all the time. 5. Do the results come quickly Depends on the individual, of course. Some do well off the bat, some take more time. I am finally to a point that I get it. It took me a while to get use to the emotions of trading and wanting to get out at the slightest downturn. If you want to learn to trade and have the time and patience it takes to get the education from scratch, with hand holding for 6 months, I recommend NVOWs Top Gun program. They will try to sell you a LOT of additional stuff, but I wouldn8217t buy ANYTHING until you have mastered the Top Gun material. When I say 8220taking advantage8221 of people I am simply referring to the ridiculous high prices that NVOWs charges. Anyone can learn the same material with a mentor for a price much more reasonable. Why do you think they give you one price that is much higher and then by the end of the seminar they drop it Because the price they are charging in not worth the material. There8217s no doubt that I learned about options and how to do spreads by taking David8217s seminars. But it took a LOT more studying and figuring out which strategies worked best and how to play defense if a play didn8217t work out whereas David8217s 8220reverse and roll8221 technique can cost you thousands if you8217re not careful. My strategies make me money on a consistent basis every week. Sure, not every play works but you have to know how to protect yourself and limit your losses. The BIGGEST reason most people fail at trading is very simple, they get impatient and trade too much. I became a Top Gun over 5 years ago so I know how the markets work and I do this on a full time basis. Thank you Tod for your comments about Neuventure. I bought the Option8217s package because that8217s all I could afford. Went to Seminar I and Seminar II in my area. Learned quite a bit in Seminar I. Was extremely disappointed with Seminar II. The guest speaker was not prepared in the use of the computer that was provided to her and spoke too fast. I am also disappointed in the cost for the Home Study Courses that, I believe, should be included when purchasing your package according to the level you8217re buying. Neuventure and all companies have every right to make money on their products but not at the expense of exploiting people. What have I learned from this new venture Pray first. Ask for God8217s guidance. Do some research before making a decision. So bottom line for me is should a person with absolutely NO stock market knowledge or experience whatsoever, pay 99.00 to attend this seminar or can I learn all of this stuff by purchasing a book such as 8220Stock Market for Dummies8221 Seriously, I want to know because if I can learn enough to 8220get started8221 in the stock market from a book, why pay for something I probably cannot afford in the first place And yes, I too wish NVOWS would be more 8220up front8221 about the ultimate costs of doing business with them. The WordFM needs to be careful allowing 8220deceptive8221 advertising on their station even though they throw in a disclaimer to 8220cover8221 themselves8230 To answer your question directly, No you can not learn enough to 8216get started8217 in the stock market from NVOWS Seminar 1 or from a 8220Stock Market for Dummies8221 book. I mean sure you can 8216get started8217 after attending a Seminar 1 or reading, 8220Stock Market for Dummies8221 but the chances of you being successful with eitherorboth are slim to none. There are very few successful traders period. Even those who spend years learning and devouring all they can. This is what it boils down to8230do you want to live, eat, sleep trading Do you love and have that much interest in it If you do then dive in with all you8217ve got. If you don8217t then probably don8217t waste your time. Feel free to shoot me any other questions you have. I have attended the Seminar 1 two times. I listen to these ads on Christian radio here in DC area WAVA 105.1 The Don K. show promotes this and has David Mitchell on as a guest although I am sure some of those are replays because I8217ve heard before and it was exactly the same 2nd time. They hold in a nice hotel. The seminar fee is 99 for yourselfguestand most recently your household. The 8220retail8221 price on the website is 4500 (like who would pay that, it8217s a sales technique to show something of value). There is always at least 1 couple doing the seminar 8211 husband and wife. The 1st seminar there were 2 couples. Both seminars, usually at day two, the 8220woman8221 tells about her hard life and then how it8217s all changed since stock trading with this method. It8217s a very compelling 8220story8221 but what was unsettling, was that both woman, each seminar, had the 8220same8221 or 8220nearly same8221 story. Then they take the break and start the hard core sellingclosing to get you to buy their other products mostly the Top Gun Flight School which retails for like 40,000 and they offered it to me for 14,000, which I declined. The husband pulled me out of the seminar a 2nd and 3rd time to keep reducing the prices to get me to 8220act now8221. Final offer was 11,000 for Top Gun. They take each student (or couple) out into the hallway and sit them down at a table and proceed to do the 8220act now8221 it is very high pressure. This is the 2nd day usually. The offer is only good for that day. I talked to several students who were at my 1st seminar, for their 2nd or 3rd time. They had purchased the Top Gun program. I asked how much. The prices ranged from 14,000 8211 16,000 that they had paid. My offer was 11,000. I asked those folks if they had actually done well, made money, how active in the program etc. While they said they were active (and clearly knew a lot about it) they had not made money. They were back to see if they had missed something. They do participate in the calls. etc. I found day two to be mostly 8220fast talk8221 to give pieces of information, instead of a whole picture. The instructors would not answer specific questions about exactly 8220how8221 to do it. They show David Mitchell8217s software (free download), but they don8217t tell you how to install it, that you have to buy the other software (subscription) and they don8217t provide good enough instructions to make it work. It was a 8220mystery8221 and I asked other students who were repeats, they had the same comments. I did join the 8220insider club8221. It was a waste of money. I got a daily 8220update8221 from David Mitchell only it was staffed out, not from him of course. It only talked about what the market was doing. There was never any specific stock information in the daily newsletter. It was the same information day after day with a recap of the days or prior days stock market behavior, which I can get on TV or other websites. I called for support a couple of times to get help. The two calls I had weren8217t helpful. They talk in circles. I too asked them how many people had actually become millionaires who had taken this program. The answer was 8220we don8217t know8221. I asked that question to the 8220speakers8221 at both seminars. Answer was the same. If this is such a great program why wouldn8217t they track the students who register, apply it, and make millions so they can say 822097 of our students earned over 1m in the 1st 12 month8221 or something like that. They have no clue if it works or not except for the ones who 8220call in8221 and tell them. I agree I hear the same commercials with same people. There are no few customer testimonials anywhere on the Web or their site (only a few I found). Mostly people saying negative things. I kept the insider club for 10 months. Over 10 months I got little to no value from it. It is 49.99 a month. Another rip off. The CDs they sell at the program are also expensive. 850 if you want to learn at home. They reduce it if you buy Top Gun. Oh and here8217s the thing that really annoyed me (besides their sob story sales pitch by the lady and the super high pressure 8220act now8221 in the hallway) 8211 you can8217t attend any of the other seminars unless you buy one of their expensive programs. They are only available to 8220top guns8221. Estúpido. Why not let me attend if I want and pay a fair price for it I did attend a few of the telephonewebinars. They were not helpful and did not gear towards someone learning the system. They simply talked about 8220the market8221 and there were so many people on the call, ran out of time for questions. After a few of these I quit wasting my time. I also find it interesting that on he BIOS of the 8220event speakers8221 that most of them don8217t put any claim to have become rich from using this system. Only a few of them state that they took the training, implemented it, and became rich and quit their jobs to work for NuVenture. The others have typical corporate backgrounds and are 8220event speakers8221 (motivational speakers, sales people 8211 I use to be one of these). Also, I find it interesting that it seems impossible to get a physical address for this company. It8217s a PO Box and you would think with the wealth they are amassing that their website would be a high-end one with lots of helpful information to those seeing to learn stock trading, loaded with downloads, PDFS and other things and current newsfeeds of stock market info etc. Especially to someone who is a 8220member8221 I just wonder why they would not create a more useful and robust website than this cheap looking one they have that looks like something someone did in their basement. NeUventure On Wall Street PO Box 1794, Corsicana, Texas 75151 DTI-NeUventure Inc Just an FYI I was able to track down the folks who do their Entity Seminar. It8217s Anderson Advisors out of Las Vegas, NV They are tax attorneys, tax preparers, and corporate entity and investing (not stocks, wealth management). They are 8220all under one roof8221 service. I called them and spoke with them and hired them to form my entities and to 8220advise me8221. It8217s been interesting. More on them later but needless to say one wonders what the heck the guys are doing based in Las Vegas and why their focus is to help people making money 8220hide their money8221 through entities, that have entities, that have entities. They have provided good information to me over the past year and if you are thinking of starting a business I would do a free consultation with them to understand a lot of things. And also try to attend one of their Entity Seminars because that is 1st step before you attend the Tax Workshop (which is 2.5 days) and chocked full of information, but if you don8217t understand all the stuff about setting up your entity (corporation or LLC) then its a backtrack. They have been great and I recommend them a lot to folks who aren8217t using their LLCstax preparation as they should (I could have saved about 60k over the last 5 years, in taxes, had I known what I know now). Loved your post. I like to learn about computers and people involved in Stocks and their journey of how they get involved, what they learned in starting months and so on. Would be a regular visitor of your blog now onwards. I am a New jersey resident who paid for the seminar last time and could not attend please send me a schedule on the next seminars around the area. When I signed up for TOPGUN it was described as the 8220everything8221 package. They tell a story about a student who wanted it all and they developed the TOPGUN product for him. After paying several - several 8211 several thousands of dollars you find out that 8220everything8221 was just three more 2 day classes. In each of these classes, you are constantly bombarded with other products you need to purchase to be successful from home study courses to cruises in which even better strategies are taught. I thought I was getting it all, but that was not the case. I wish in the 1st class I would have understood exactly what 8220everything8221 was and what it wasn8217t. Had I known, I doubt I would have purchased the TOPGUN. OK 8211 reading all of that was exhausting, but I have to say it was more helpful than you can possibly imagine8230so a big THANK YOU to everyone who posted. I8217m one of those guys who listened to David8217s infomercial on the radio and I8217m a guy who has been in construction so long that I have, the 8220end8221 in sight. Meaning simply, I don8217t have many years left to be working in my line of work and have to do something different before it8217s too late. No retirement to speak of, some decent equity in my house, and two kids through college with no debt. There8217s my legacy8230no debt for my kids, one of whom graduated from Baylor University with a degree in engineering. Pretty proud of that to say the least. Nonetheless, here I am, needing to do something different to provide for my wife after I stop breaking my back. I have attended Seminar I twice now. I will say for someone with little or no experience it was very informative and motivating. It caused me to open an account and to get my feet wet. I also learned from Seminar 1 how important being disciplined is. So, that said 8211 very helpful. During day 2 of the second seminar I was ready to make the move and buy the TOP GUN package, but something kept nagging at me in the back of my mind. A question that popped up over and over. The other writers are correct8230sales pitches galore. Over and over, the high price to be followed by a lower, 8220easy to swallow8221 price. Well for some, it8217s easy to swallow. So there8217s the question again8230every time the speakers brought up what a great guy David is and how he never takes a dime from the church he serves, I thought the same thing. If his desire is to equip Christians with the skills to create generational wealth and a family business, why in the world is it so expensive I mean 14,000 for six or eight days of training and a few CDs Really So after I sat down for the 8220pitch8221 and with that nagging question in my mind, I told the gentlemen that I needed to speak with my wife, who had no interest in attending. Sales people love that, which is why the worst of them always 8220require8221 both to attend. So I did. I called her8230my best friend. Her simple, but wise advice was 8220Google it8221. Brilliant 8220Find out how many success stories are on the web8221 she said. You know how many I found Zero None You8217d think that a company with the kind of success they were saying was possible would be plastering it everywhere. Oh, there were some who claimed success, but nothing clear and concise. Kind of like when people go to a casino. Ever heard anyone say 8220yeah, I went and got killed up there8221 Nope Maybe the SEC has rules about that sort of thing, but the nagging question lingered. Anyway, her brilliant advice also caused me to ask around the room. Several other TOP GUNNERS were there. Taking Step 18230again. None of them had quit their jobs. In fact, none of them had made any money yet. 14,000 investment8230no earnings. Not for me. Anyway, thanks again everyone. You8217ve been a huge help. Amazon books8230here I come


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